The continent of Tarth is large and every day there is a particular incident. But now we have a more terrible threat. In the universe there are countless universes similar to ours. Due to the recent cataclysm, our worlds may touch from time to time. In some places, the border may blur. And this is fraught with the fact that completely unfriendly guests may come to us. The incidents that previously happened every now and then in our home world will fall on the shoulders of the mercenaries of empires. The brave warriors of Tart are facing battles in alien worlds. Using the portal in the Moon City, you can move to a world like two peas in a pod similar to ours. Help the inhabitants of the parallel world, don't let them die. You have to fight a horde of monsters.
Every day, in 4:00 am according to the time of our world, each volunteer, having talked with the Priest on the native square empire, will get a fancy device - Tesseract, using which you can stabilize the portal in the Moon City for a while, and go to an alien universe. Try to do your best and destroy as many monsters as possible, be it Tunnel Drillers or Furious Nilfs. Let nothing hold you back, remember, every creature on the other side may end up in our world. Each monster you kill is one life saved ... For killing each monster, you will receive one Sign of the Redeemer, as well as 2 reputation Hero of the Empire. After collecting 150 signs, you can exchange them for a valuable reward. Tarla Syrayen using her magic will transfer the chest with a reward to our world, but it takes a lot of energy from her, so teleport a heavy chest to some she will not be able to find a specific place, she will have to find it in the vastness of the mainland. Fortunately, looking at the key, it immediately becomes clear where to look.
The task that you receive during the incident does not have to be completed in one day. The items obtained by completing it will be saved in the backpack until the next time, so that you always have the opportunity to finish it.
The probability of getting a «green» item as a trophy from monsters that appear during an incident is 2 times higher than in battles with ordinary monsters!
Accidents on even days of the month
Deydri Avengers
Greetings, stranger from another world, there is an urgent task for you! From their best fighters, the half-breeds created the Avengers squads, whose task is to surprise attacks on the soldiers of a united empire. Travel to Camp Half-Blood and take out the thugs.
Despite the daily losses in the fight against the champions of law and order, the Deidri gangs do not give up and continue their criminal activities, making a living by theft, robbery, kidnapping and murder. Moreover, the spies sent to the enemy gangs reported that the half-breeds even created detachments of selected warriors - the Avengers - whose task is to arrange surprise attacks and destroy the imperial soldiers! Gaor Trad urgently calls for volunteers to fight the deidri. A soldier who completes the task and destroys the seen Avengers, the dragon man will not leave without a worthy reward.
This task can only be done by players from level 9 to 15.You need to destroy the Deydri Avenger [15] in the Half-Blood Camp. Each monster will be able to get one Insignia of Redeemer, as well as get 2 points of Hero of the Empire reputation. After collecting 150 Insignia, you will receive the reward key from the chest with a generous reward.
Stolen «pride»
Warrior, I want to offer you a very profitable business! Evil madharas broke into my vault at night and devoured several bags of the rare hop that is needed for my finest Pride of the Empire beer. I will gladly reward you if you agree to find these "gourmets" and wean them from their addiction. They were last seen near the coastal village in search of new treats.
Beer is loved by representatives of various races and peoples of Tarta: people, elves, minotons, grandfathers and others. But madharas, oddly enough, are content not even with beer, but only with one of its components - hops. Why bitter buds-cones so attract monsters who are clearly not familiar with the production of beer is still unknown, but the fact remains. At night, a squad of monsters attacked the brewer's vault. Maldor Helgar barely managed to get away with his legs so as not to fall prey to raging monsters. Returning in the morning, the brewer calculated the damage and realized that the madharas had eaten three dozen bags of hops, which is an ingredient in the most popular Pride of the Empire beer, during the night. If this continues, then the losses will ruin Maldor very soon, so he asks to punish the "gourmets" in order to prevent new raids.
This task can only be done by players from level 16 to 21.You need to destroy the Madkhar Raider [21] in the Coastal settlement. Each monster will be able to get one Insignia of Redeemer, as well as get 2 points of Hero of the Empire reputation. After collecting 150 Insignia, you will receive the reward key from the chest with a generous reward.
The Enraged Shershers
Wait, warrior, don't leave me in trouble! I don’t understand why, but today a whole swarm of furious Scherchers came to the village. I barely made it to the bell to send a distress signal and make my fellow villagers hide in their homes. But now we can not go outside, while flying predators are devouring our cattle in the meantime. Be merciful, go to the Schercher's Nest and deliver us from them, brave soldier!
War has been declared on the villagers. But not by bandits and raiders, but by the enraged flying insects - the Scherchers. For no apparent reason, the buzzing creatures suddenly descended in huge numbers into the village and began to attack its inhabitants. Fortunately, the headman was not at a loss, he hurried to the bell and managed to inform his fellow villagers about the danger. The inhabitants of the village armed themselves with axes and pitchforks, barricaded themselves in houses and now dare not even show their noses to the street. Vil asks the brave warriors to deal with the flying beasts in their lair and free their fellow villagers from their domestic "captivity" before the monsters manage to destroy and devour the cattle remaining on the street.
This task can only be done by players from level 22 to 28.You need to destroy the Enraged Shersher [28] in the Schercher nest. Each monster will be able to get one Insignia of Redeemer, as well as get 2 points of Hero of the Empire reputation. After collecting 150 Insignia, you will receive the reward key from the chest with a generous reward.
Night of the Living Dead
Last night there was a strange rain that covered everything around with caustic soot, and in the morning I noticed that the abandoned cemetery was filled with hordes of raging cadavers. Help me deal with them before they scatter around.
Ani-Dalia has been dealing with death for so long that the rebellious dead and evil ghosts have long ceased to fear the powerful necromancer. However, sometimes incidents occur at the Abandoned Cemetery that can, if not frighten, then at least surprise even such an experienced Guardian of Velet as she. A strange downpour last night at the cemetery left smudges of black soot everywhere, and in the morning Ani-Dalia saw hordes of new cadavers, awakened by an unusual manifestation of the elements. The necromancer asks you to hurry to her aid and destroy the undead before she scatters around the area.
This task can only be done by players from level 29 to 35.You need to destroy the Awakened Cadaver [35] in the Abandoned cemetery. Each monster will be able to get one Insignia of Redeemer, as well as get 2 points of Hero of the Empire reputation. After collecting 150 Insignia, you will receive the reward key from the chest with a generous reward.
Winged beasts
Warrior! I beg you help! These ugly flying creatures have taken my house under siege and do not give a step beyond the threshold. I swear by Eldior, I will soon have nothing to eat and I will starve to death. Please go to the Hunting Grounds and kill Waltern.
Crom Thunder is angry and scared. Recently, the Walterns literally besieged the scientist, circling over his house and emitting heart-rending cries, as if threatening the grandfather. Food supplies and materials for inventions are already running out, but Krom is in no hurry to go beyond the threshold, because previous attempts almost ended in death from the claws and thorns of winged predators. Dreaming of an early salvation, Thunder has even come up with a reward that he will give to his deliverer.
This task can only be done by players from level 36 to 43.You need to destroy the Stalking Valterna [43] in the Hunting grounds. Each monster will be able to get one Insignia of Redeemer, as well as get 2 points of Hero of the Empire reputation. After collecting 150 Insignia, you will receive the reward key from the chest with a generous reward.
The Vile Ravagers
Warrior, in the dark hour I ask for your help! Pirates attacked the shopping street and rob all merchants. The arrows and spears of my tribe could not compete with their armor and weapons. The attackers feel unpunished and roam the streets proud of their ruthlessness. Please, take revenge on the villains, and I will generously thank you.
The shaman Dah-Fartul was never distinguished by sociability, so the inhabitants of Tart had only to guess where this mysterious sorcerer came from. But the misfortune that happened to the traders of his relics forces the shaman to abandon his usual secrecy and seek help from powerful warriors. With shrieks and whoops, robbers, brandishing boarding sabers, burst into the shopping street. Almost everything was looted and burned during the attack, and those residents who did not have time to hide were shackled and sent to a pirate ship to be sold into slavery. Dah-Fartul asks you to become an instrument of justice and take revenge on the greedy and cruel sea robbers.
This task can only be done by players from level 44 to 51.You need to destroy the Pirate Kidnapper [51] in the Market Street. Each monster will be able to get one Insignia of Redeemer, as well as get 2 points of Hero of the Empire reputation. After collecting 150 Insignia, you will receive the reward key from the chest with a generous reward.
The Demimort Invasion
The Tauras are not afraid of the one who is flesh and blood. Pierce the flesh - the blood will pour out. But the tauras do not know how to defeat the one who fights even with a spear in his heart. The half-dead attack our camp. Many of our warriors fall, they continue to walk even pierced with spears. We do not wield magical power. Don't know how to kill them. You come to help, Khaf-Rusum pay you good! Warrior go to abode, destroy.
Taurov are taught from childhood that death is an indispensable companion of life, and those who have shown courage in battle after death gallop across the Cloudy Steppes together with the Heavenly Horse. The nomads believed that they were not afraid of anyone, but the collision with the demimorts plunged the warriors into shock. Experiencing a panic fear of the survivability of the undead, they were mentally broken and risk losing the battle with the demimorts. The clan of the Sun, which has refused to war with other peoples, enjoys the protection of empires, and therefore it must be saved from unexpected misfortune.
This task can only be done by players from level 52 to 60.You need to destroy the Demimort Conqueror [60] in the Abode of the half-dead. Each monster will be able to get one Insignia of Redeemer, as well as get 2 points of Hero of the Empire reputation. After collecting 150 Insignia, you will receive the reward key from the chest with a generous reward.
The Desert Marauders
Warrior, I call for your help! The magic of the Thunder Towers has protected the Haters from robbers for many centuries, but so much time has passed since the death of its inhabitants that even these great creations are beginning to fail. Realizing that some of the towers are no longer working, a gang of rat-kin hurries to get inside the city. Stop the marauders, warrior, and I will reward you!
A large band of Rat-kin are heading for the vicinity of Hateram. After discovering that the deadly magic of many Thunder Towers is no longer working, the desert bandits want to infiltrate the ancient city to steal the property of its dead inhabitants. Ishen-Kar calls upon the warriors of empires to help them teach the marauders a lesson and prevent them from plundering the valuables that belonged to his unfortunate compatriots.
This task can only be done by players from level 61 to 70.You need to destroy the Rat-Kin Marauder [70] in the Desert land. Each monster will be able to get one Insignia of Redeemer, as well as get 2 points of Hero of the Empire reputation. After collecting 150 Insignia, you will receive the reward key from the chest with a generous reward.
Fatal smuggling
Do not refuse help, warrior! Only sooner, I beg you, sooner! What's the matter? Oh yes, I haven't explained anything yet. My cousin Galdin brought in contraband, but just, you fool, he bought flozar seeds instead of sleep-grass seeds. During unloading, they woke up to the ground, and monstrous plants are now blooming all over the fishermen's village!
The smuggler always runs the risk of receiving several years of hard labor instead of the coveted gold. However, some types of smuggling are dangerous in themselves, especially if the careless businessman does not know about the true nature of his goods. Galdin Skrul, a cousin of the famous trader Skvalyga Bron, did not think that something might be wrong with the sleep grass seeds purchased at the overseas fair. The sack was loaded into the hold, and the ship set off on the return journey. During unloading, no one noticed that the bag broke, and some of the seeds spilled onto the ground. And a few days later, giant carnivorous flowers suddenly appeared on this place, clicking with their toothy petals-jaws and splashing caustic sap. Skvaliga Bron never hid that he disliked his unlucky relative, but now he begs to come to the aid of Galdin and other inhabitants of the fishing village. The duty of the defenders of Tart is to save people from unprecedented flozar monsters!
This task can only be done by players from level 71 to 80.You need to destroy the Smuggler's Flosar [80] in the Fishermen's village. Each monster will be able to get one Insignia of Redeemer, as well as get 2 points of Hero of the Empire reputation. After collecting 150 Insignia, you will receive the reward key from the chest with a generous reward.
A gift from a sorcerer
A certain mysterious visitor was greatly saddened by the refusal of the princess-regent Elmione to sell him part of the elven lands. A few days after his visit, a huge jug appeared near the borders of the city, opening which the naive residents released the evil nilfs. Travel to their homeworld and end the spirits!
A week ago, the Princess Regent, Princess Elmione Andaeli, who ruled the moon elves, was visited by a mysterious old man who identified himself as Haladarn. The visitor asked to sell him the abandoned salt mines located in the elven territory, and offered a tidy sum for them. The ruler of the Moonbranch refused the petitioner, stating that the elves never traded and would not trade their lands. Mumbling that the princess would still regret her refusal, the visitor left. Soon a huge jug appeared at the very border of the settlement. Someone from the onlookers gathered, without thinking twice, pulled out the cork that closed the jug - and then evil nilfs burst out of the magic vessel, and the jug turned into a portal from which more and more elementals began to arrive ... As soon as she learned about the incident, the Supreme Magician Miratella Carmai hastened to assure elves that in this black hour they will not be left without the support of people. Seasoned warriors, equally adept in weapons and magic, will help allies deal with the witchcraft threat.
This task can only be done by players from level 81 to 90.You need to destroy the Enraged Nylph [90] in the Elemental world. Each monster will be able to get one Insignia of Redeemer, as well as get 2 points of Hero of the Empire reputation. After collecting 150 Insignia, you will receive the reward key from the chest with a generous reward.
Accidents on odd days of the month
Thieves at Large
Sinra's criminals have challenged us, soldier! Today the leader of the thieves' gang, under the guise of a guard, entered the Wailing Casemates, poisoned the guards and freed the accomplices imprisoned there. Before they get far, overtake and destroy the fugitives.
An unusual event today disrupts the peace of the Valorian prison of Wailing Casemate, located in the capital of the Tempest Empire. Under the guise of one of the guards, the insidious Sinra managed to get inside, who mixed poison into the food supplies of the guards and, under cover of night, helped a gang of his accomplices who are serving a sentence for theft to escape. The perfect crime was the last straw that overflowed the vessel of their sins. All fugitives are sentenced to death in absentia. Before the gang had time to leave the capital, Allur Rag-Veta calls on the imperial soldiers to rush in pursuit and destroy the criminals.
This task can only be done by players from level 9 to 15.You need to destroy the Sinra Robber [15] in the Half-Blood Camp. Each monster will be able to get one Insignia of Redeemer, as well as get 2 points of Hero of the Empire reputation. After collecting 150 Insignia, you will receive the reward key from the chest with a generous reward.
Vandal Darkguards
Something strange is going on in our vestibule. I don't know what happened to the shadowguards, but these madmen attacked the Library. Please stop the vandals.
An unpleasant and mysterious incident darkened the life of artisan Barim Lisar. After collecting his best pieces made in recent years, the master hired a driver and sent his creations to the fair, expecting to make a good profit. But the cart never reached its destination. Shadowguards suddenly attacked the wagon and, as if possessed, smashed all the cargo that they found into small pieces. What could have caused this is unknown, but Barim is not up to solving riddles. If this happens again, Lysar will be ruined, so he asks the defender of justice to rid him and other residents of the vandals who were seen looting in the Library. And of course, Barim will not forget to generously thank the one who will teach the mysterious shadowguards a lesson.
This task can only be done by players from level 16 to 21.You need to destroy the Darkguard Vandal [21] in the Library. Each monster will be able to get one Insignia of Redeemer, as well as get 2 points of Hero of the Empire reputation. After collecting 150 Insignia, you will receive the reward key from the chest with a generous reward.
Golems of the Mountain Depths
Warrior, we are in danger! While exploring the Mine today, I suddenly heard a measured drumbeat, and soon I witnessed how a string of stone golems appeared out of nowhere and headed to the surface. These mysterious creatures are extremely dangerous. Please, destroy them!
Exploring the arm of one of the galleries, lying close to the lower level of the caves of the Tagolsky mountains, Daron Lars suddenly distinctly heard a low, measured beat, as if someone unknown had begun to beat a huge drum. Soon, in the mistaken light of the torches that Lars had lit in the main gallery for reference, the miner noticed a line of golems striding to the surface. Following parallel tunnels, Daron hurried upstairs to warn the inhabitants of the danger, and at the same time find warriors who could stop the raid of monsters.
This task can only be done by players from level 22 to 28.You need to destroy the Cave Golem [28] in the Mine. Each monster will be able to get one Insignia of Redeemer, as well as get 2 points of Hero of the Empire reputation. After collecting 150 Insignia, you will receive the reward key from the chest with a generous reward.
Guards of the Ancient Lord
Imperial soldier? You come in handy! Yesterday I discovered a burial in the quarry with a magnificent sarcophagus and mummies of guards around. I barely touched the carved lock of the sarcophagus, but then I decided to wait with its opening and sent for my uncle. An hour later, the revived mummies burst into my tent and almost finished me off. In the name of Eldior, stop the dead warriors!
The burial discovered by Gil Cardin in the quarry gave birth to a bizarre sarcophagus and guards laid around the mummy, who vowed to protect the overlord even after death. In the center of the two-half lid of the sarcophagus, a castle depicting the head of a bizarre creature glittered in the sun. The archaeologist could not resist, touched him, and the mechanism suddenly began to move. Parts hidden inside buzzed, clicked, two ruby eyes flashed brightly. And then there was silence. Gil nevertheless decided to postpone the opening of the sarcophagus and sent an urgent message to his uncle Lior Malrone to come to attend the significant event. Full of exciting anticipation, the scientist recovered to wait out the hottest daytime hours in a tent, but he did not have to rest for long. The master's guard has risen from the dead and is eager to punish the one who violated their eternal peace.
This task can only be done by players from level 29 to 35.You need to destroy the Guard of the Lord [35] in the The Master's Refuge. Each monster will be able to get one Insignia of Redeemer, as well as get 2 points of Hero of the Empire reputation. After collecting 150 Insignia, you will receive the reward key from the chest with a generous reward.
The Wandering Swarm
It seems that I will not see peace here. I have exterminated almost all the nearby strekadi - here you go, a nomadic swarm has arrived! Those who have come to plant food have no interest at all, they only hunt deer and hares, but they are trying to get close to me. The third day I have been fighting them off. Help, soldier, to cope with the misfortune, otherwise the strength is running out.
Garth Carlon, whose family was once killed in an attack by strekadi, is now fighting an implacable struggle with these large insects that have chosen the Vilhonian Wasteland. And so, when his struggle began to bring visible results, and there were almost no insects left in the area, a new nomadic swarm came to the plain. Unlike local strekady, nomads seem to have long forgotten about plant food and live exclusively by hunting, scouring days and nights in search of hares and deer. And if earlier Garth himself always attacked the insects he hated, now he has to hold the siege and at any time of the day or night be ready to repel another attack of carnivorous creatures. For a long time, his strength will not be enough, so you need to drive away the insects as soon as possible.
This task can only be done by players from level 36 to 43.You need to destroy the Nomad Strekade [43] in the Garth's hunting camp. Each monster will be able to get one Insignia of Redeemer, as well as get 2 points of Hero of the Empire reputation. After collecting 150 Insignia, you will receive the reward key from the chest with a generous reward.
Return of the Greenskins
There is a job for you! A group of scientists disappeared without a trace and none of those working on the excavation knows where they could have gone. In addition, the Priestess of Eona arrived at the excavation site, who says something about the disturbance of the ethereal layers in the Temple area. Go to the secret facility and deal with the confusion that started there.
Inhabitants of the surrounding villages tell strange stories about bizarre creatures in glass helmets. Local tavern-goers talk about armor-burning devices that are now and then found near the excavation site. One of the drunks even lost several fingers while trying to figure out the origin of his find. According to him, this mechanism is clearly not from our world. Data on excavations near the Temple of the Ancients are classified.
This task can only be done by players from level 44 to 51.You need to destroy the Contused Alien [51] in the Secret object. Each monster will be able to get one Insignia of Redeemer, as well as get 2 points of Hero of the Empire reputation. After collecting 150 Insignia, you will receive the reward key from the chest with a generous reward.
Rogue Drillers
You are what I need, warrior! Faster, before the Iron Mountain comes crashing down on our heads. What happened ?! The failed tunnel drillers began to drill the support columns of the underground tunnel, that's what! They do not allow repair workers to come near them, so it is up to you to disable them.
An emergency disrupted the business order of the Masters' Hall. A party of drillers sent to build a new tunnel suddenly switched to drilling columns and statues, nearly causing part of the ceiling to collapse. Strangely enough, the drillers attacked the grandfather's repair crew, although the purpose of these machines prohibits them from hostile actions against living beings. While the Council of Workshop Elders is trying to understand the reasons for this strange behavior of the machines, Barilaina Hardwin asks to neutralize the threat and disable the malfunctioning tunnel drillers.
This task can only be done by players from level 52 to 60.You need to destroy the Tunnel Driller [60] in the Underground tunnel. Each monster will be able to get one Insignia of Redeemer, as well as get 2 points of Hero of the Empire reputation. After collecting 150 Insignia, you will receive the reward key from the chest with a generous reward.
Bloody rebels
Since we surfaced, our society has been divided. Most were in favor of staying to live on the earth, but a small group of Old Believers considered it necessary to return to the underground possessions. Unable to convince the others, these fanatics attacked their fellow tribesmen tonight. Help us curb the riot.
Ever since the Khaimans came to the surface from the depths of their underground possessions, their society has been divided. Most of the lizardmen wanted to stay under the sun, but a small group argued that the Haymans should return to where their ancestors lived. The leader of the schismatics tried to convince the tribe that a divine revelation had descended upon him, which said that the Khaimans would be destroyed if they did not return underground. However, few people believed the words of Mach-Aru, and then he ordered his comrades-in-arms to attack his relatives and kill them. Kha-Tshi asks for help to curb the fanatical rebels.
This task can only be done by players from level 61 to 70.You need to destroy the Khaiman Fanatic [70] in the Rebel camp. Each monster will be able to get one Insignia of Redeemer, as well as get 2 points of Hero of the Empire reputation. After collecting 150 Insignia, you will receive the reward key from the chest with a generous reward.
Frigate aground
Warrior, your help is needed on a secret island! In the grounded ship, the Rahnids were discovered - intelligent six-legged monsters. Deal with them, but be careful, they are not as simple as they seem.
The secret island got its name for a reason. There is practically no information about him, the only thing that is known for sure is that the Rahnids of the Wandering Archipelago managed to infiltrate a human ship and interrupt his crew, but could not figure out how to navigate the ship. Suffering from hunger and thirst, the monsters drifted on the waves until their ship was carried aground this island. Allur Rag-Veta calls on everyone to urgently go there and destroy the warlike creatures.
This task can only be done by players from level 71 to 80.You need to destroy the Rachni Soldier [80] in the Secret island. Each monster will be able to get one Insignia of Redeemer, as well as get 2 points of Hero of the Empire reputation. After collecting 150 Insignia, you will receive the reward key from the chest with a generous reward.
Maddened Ilds
Oh, Great Dragons, why do they always ask me for help when there are no reserves left in the fortress ?! You are very helpful. Our allies, the moon elves, urgently need help. A large band of giggling Ilds emerged from the Crystal Cave and claimed their land rights. Help drive the monsters back to their abode.
The Times of Troubles are over. Peace has come. For many hundreds of years, no one made claims to the elven lands. The trade route to the Moon City was open to all comers, but it was dangerous to enter the forests of the Moon Branch without permission. “The first arrow into the ground, the second into the left eye,” says a well-known proverb. Elves warn border trespassers only once: perhaps that is why no one is trying to encroach on their territory. This was until recently, until it was discovered that this ancient noble race has insane neighbors.
This task can only be done by players from level 81 to 90.You need to destroy the Giggling Ield [90] in the Sacred Ild tree. Each monster will be able to get one Insignia of Redeemer, as well as get 2 points of Hero of the Empire reputation. After collecting 150 Insignia, you will receive the reward key from the chest with a generous reward.
Leaders from an alien world
Every Sunday at 08:00 pm according to the time of our world, leaders from other worlds with their armies can break through to our native Adan. Only brave warriors and fearless warriors will be able to resist these enemies, for which they will be richly rewarded. Hurry, warriors, if we don't stop them, then no one will stop them ... Intelligence reports about many opponents on the other side, here's all that we managed to find out about them:
Hierarch | Corrupted Dragon | ||||
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The Supreme Sorcerer is completely immune to any magic. No spell can be cast on him. | ![]() |
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Using fel magic, the Dragon summons copies of its opponents. The spell lasts until the end of the battle. |
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After each Risen dies, the Hierarch's damage is reduced by 0.02%. He also begins to lose 2 units. health every round. | ![]() |
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The summoned replicant uses throws and arrows, various types of orbs as well as Absolute elixirs of life. |
Pirate leader | Forced manipulator | ||||
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Every 10 rounds, the Leader can raise the pirate banner. He also applies Ice Shield to all of his allies every 30 rounds. | ![]() |
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The mechanisms of manipulators are especially vulnerable to the effects of the elements of Water and Chaos. All damage dealt from these elements is increased by 50%. Also, due to faulty drives, machineoids periodically jam, then they do double damage and apply the effects of Concussion for 10 rounds and Disorientation for 2 rounds. |
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The raised banner encourages pirates, the chance of a critical strike is significantly increased. | ![]() |
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It is not known who exactly will enter our world this time, but the archmages are always on the alert and at the same moment weaken the leader who has penetrated to us with the Annihilation spell, but he will still remain insanely strong, it will be possible to cope with him and his retinue only by the joint efforts of all warriors of Adana. Also, all the Leaders had an Ancient Talisman that protects them from all poisoning spells. Study the intelligence carefully, for each Leader you need to thoroughly prepare and study his features.
Chest rewards
Inside you shall find Consumable Items of "blue" quality, Blessed Food for your level as well as empowered "green" Magical Rings, Earrings, Bracelets and Charms, "green" and "blue" Marks. In addition to that, you have a chance of receiving "green" or "blue" Hero of the Empire Collection elements when opening the Chest.