the belt

can someone please tell me how to raise the storage on my belt


Hello, everyone. I'm Adrimus. I'm fairly new to this game and think it's amazing for a browser has all the regular tools a client based game would. I love how in depth it is.

Well, a little bit about myself. I'm 21 years old I'm a gaming...

It really makes you wonder

As I sat in the square last night and listened to the every repeating tales of rivalry, I had to ask myself "What the heck?" Okay.. I really asked it a little more bluntly than that, but this is a G rated forum. Some of the back and forth tit for ...

Money loss

stuff is showing up in my inventory that i didnt buy, like the 330 fricken carrots, and i just lost gold

For the first time, I used a BC to teach someone a lesson.

Before this gets thrown in my face, let me tell you all that I gave the level 43, vedmak1984, a very long time before I hit him. He cursed my clan mate in the arena, and refused to heal. I waited, watched him go to 7b & aoh, while my clan mate sat ...

Feed back after 3 clan wars

Please don't use this against me in 3 years

There was a large PM message sent to leaders, asking us to consider no mount/buff wars. I have discussed with my council, and for the time being, we can not agree to no mounts/buffs in a war. Ihit has ...

War Reward factors

Hi Ihit, We just want to be sure this isn't a bug before reporting. But chatting with clan mates about the caskets awards, and there are a few concerns. Best Example I can find. -DDK- vs Syan. In the war on June 27th vs The Fallen

arena and bridges .

with all due respect , gentlemen , but I'm going to the fights with skeletons and a dragon . what do you want . and I don't need after the battle, the brain , on this occasion , to bear .


Oh now can upgrade to 100 spaces...hmm to bad I don't do professions lol

Insignia Boss

Can somebody please explain the mechanics of who the boss picks? I know it's not random. Also, can people stop summoning argars? They're practically immortal, don't count towards your damage, steal damage, and slow down the fight.

GI Game Client. Dragon Eternity Bugs??

Ok, I would just like to highlight a few things and ask a question.. 1. Is it possible to make screen bigger? Currently the screen is very small. 2. Battle screen has gaps between names and actual screen. All in all it runs smoothly, but the smaller ...

Send Admin FeedBack To Create Lighting & Death Characters

I think game Designers should create a Lightning Character to go with the lighning Dragon,it would maybe mean more money for them & give us more choices.i know you can pick a lighning dragon but most players chose the Class dragon.i told a friend who...

GI Play Feedback

As you know we've recently launched GI Play client that is currently is available for both Windows and OSX. In this thread feel free to discuss as well as leave any feedback regarding new client. Please note it's still in Beta version therefor impro...

Clan War date and time.

Which is it? On news post it says :
"• The Clan Wars shall start each Tuesday at 22:00 and each Saturday at 18:00."

But on clan tab it says

Wednesday at 21:00 Server time and Saturday at 16:00 server time.....

Screenshot in gallery


hi can somebody tell me how to share the link of this game on facebook. need to to that to complete the quest. many thanks
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