Money fast?

What's the quickest way to get money?

Who do you remember?

What are some old players, that have stopped playing...
That would change the game completely if they came back?

I can think of:
The max brothers
Matt Pheonix (I think thats how he spelled it)

Who else?

New seriousness, Old memories

So, recently I have noticed that in my absence from the game everyone here has gotten more tense and serous about how things go. I thought it would be fun to create a post about all of our favorite fun memories in our past times playing so that we ca...


So the generators are only one per battle? Or do they stay on like gear?

Invisible trail quest

I have the speculum of pathfinder, but I've never received the quest to actually find Mildor. I've tried going back and talking to people and nothing's happened. I also no longer have the pirates disguise. I have completed all the level 27 quests up ...

Iron Ring lvl 52 quest

I like this quest it is different from the others I have done and I am enjoying it thanks!

Bronze Coins Missing and Adding

I am new to this game, and I'm not sure if this is normal or not, (I haven't paid much attention to the tutorials). The bronze coins will be added after battle and everything, like I would end up with like 96 of them, and then later, they are lowered...

Will Merchant have level 71-90 goodies.... and will they expire before level cap is opened?

I would love it if level 70 stuck around a little longer now (selfishly), but it would be really nice to know, before Merchant gets here, if level cap will be opened right away.
The last merchant had goodies that noone could have used, what a teas...

Maze of Eterrnity

Looking for signups. Been having trouble finding people for it. Haven't done maze yet but would like to.

lost money

a few days ago I was doing a eye/hop and earning about 10s per fight from the mob I was hitting for prot quest now same mob same conditions it is only about 8s... did game money drops get nerfed?


Is it your intention to bring the outpost into play here?

Server Surv

Any update for coming out of beta?

Or an English version?

Lvl 12 Quest Crackers for the Sailors

"Hey, Guld, fire up that hookah and bring it to my cabin. I need to calm down and think."

xD next I'll see a weed reference

Eye Abyss

Who received eye of abyss? Does anyone remember what heaven's voice said????

Group Question

Can I group up with a higher level player to help get my quests done easily or is that rigging?
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