New Profession Quests have been added

Admin has changed and added new profession quests.

Best would be abandon old ones and take them new.

will keep you updated on new changes.

have a great day

NEW phone app out

Version 3.3.7

We have fixed small bugs and made improvements to the game again. Game performance has improved on some devices.


Dear Sad Sack.

I wanted to let ypou kbnowq how much it meant to me to find out you were still obcessed with me this afternoon. It is the rare person who has to check my status each and every day that they are on so that they can be sure to show ...

Garuug's Bag

Just one simpIe question? - is there anything changed with garuug's bag drop? 5 times in a row, hi drops no reaI's just orange eIexirs? where to get reaIs now? i know, donate is not the way to get reaIs, cause this server is dead?!

Quests for low levels!


Im here newcomer, was played this game years ago, when it was active with players and ect! Now i see, a lot of quests for Arena, 7B and ect, have additional quest, to kill 5 witchers for example, but as i said there is no more low level pla...

In Honor of themamma

I recently found out themamma passed away, wanted to commemorate her for the wonderful person she is and the many years she has been here

Much love and may you rest in peace

Hello Again

Hi I'm very excited to see that people still play tthis game! I started a new account but i dont see other players online. :( is anyone out there? :D -Zeddikkus (Nova server)

DE rework

I will say this, I am a nova only, I have been playing for about a decade, and I have always enjoyed this game. Now with that being said, recently I have gotten back into the game after FINALLY finding an emulator. I have been playing since the adan ...

Please limit one eye of the abyss per player per Shaab

Ok admin, this is kinda ridiculous. One person is allowed to bully this server into submission or he forces them to quit. You run lottery’s where this one person gets every imaginable prize and every advantage. One player gets every eye for every ...

Rate for reals purchase

So I recently noticed the reals rate purchase increased with 100% for me. What is up with this? I am prepared to pay 15EUR for 30reals but not 30EUR for 30reals for a game that is as good as dead.
Admin, I think you should review this as russian se...


the arena is way to much for a dead saver full buff bots that u do not have a chance with i been back in this game 2 weeks and payed over 60 usd this game is not for me if i am paying that much to try and make it just not worth it to me sorry but i g...

cant turn sound off

ive turned everything off in the sound settings tab and it still has cent brower

Hii all:)

Well... what can I say, Missed you all very much here. Its so nice to see everyone is still playing! Hope you all are okay, and going strong :P I am very sorry to see about the mamma :( She was a very caring soul, lovely lady but would whip your butt...


Ive missed you all, have alot of catching upto with you all.....hope everyone is well!!!

How dead is this server. Terra awaits.

It’s about time. I’m excited for the first time in years of DE.
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