Our old world is on the verge of destruction. A creature of the filth of Shaab, the Dark Dragon regained his powers and called on other accomplices of evil to help. They will not give up their goal to reshape the universe for themselves - for eternal darkness, violence and endless cruelty. The Dark Dragon lost to you in the first encounter, but now he is ready to take revenge. The fateful meeting will take place on February 3 at 20:00 at The Eastern cemetery. Consider the enemy's abilities:
Glorious defenders of Tarth, don't waste your time! Stock up on healing elixirs, orbs, and the most formidable weapons to save your soul and the entire sublunary world! If you do your duty, the giant's heart will be cleansed of the filth of Shaab, and the Golden Dragon, the guardian of all things, will be reborn. It will be the most beautiful legend of the New Moon!