Duel of Truth

Hi, I'm not sure if my post will make it to everyone but I'd like to know if I'm the only one that can't participate in the duel of truth on every sunday. 16:00 server time is too early for me (11:00 am at my place, working at that time). I'd like to...

Easter egg hunting

this is where they were last year.

here is the list where the eggs are !!

square of storms < on the right side under the boat
winery crossroads < on the millwheel
outskirts of sadar < on the left side of the wooden pont
outskirts of vaalor <...

cant get game to work

what is needed to make the game play? thought flash player no longer worked?

Dot strats

Hi, I really enjoyed the Duel of Truth. For this I am going to call the instigators 'hero' so I need to type less.

First, I was an add and not a hero. So I can not say what would work best for them. But I did note that severalkey components that a...


I am sure this has been asked, but without a search option, the forum is too vast to keep searching over and over. Is there a trick to finally start summoning mechanoids? I have trained the heck out of mines so I now want to use them.

Not moving to Terra now?

So, kind beast is gone? Just wondering if it’s even worth playing. No terra= no game. This server does not have enough players to support a fun gaming environment. There is no point to it unless we merge. It would be worthwhile to transfer us, t...

Dear administration, explain

How did a player get so many reputations in such a very short period of time? It is impossible to do this without breaking the rules of the game. Bought 10,000 reais? I do not believe. Smudgey https://dragoneternity.com/game/user.php?nick=Sm...

For start Sea batle

Hi all. please support the idea.
change in the start of the seas make the start of 4-5 players the weekly quest fails to close. and we will accumulate heroism. thanks just support in the comments +

Undo action

Hi I'm just shooting this here, just 2 minutes from now, i opened my bag and missclicked ultimatre charm of durability but didnt plan on taking time on the game for now, was just wondering in the futur would it be possible to add something like the t...

Password resets

I am having a issue on my main acct. The password reset request is not getting sent to my email. Can anyone help with this?

Flash Player / How I Play on PC (Windows)

Just a quick note on how to play DE on PC.
There are other ways but this is how I do it and all's good.

1. Uninstall Current Flash Version (if needed)
- Use this link to check whether Flash Player is installed. внешняя ссылка

Merge with Terra questions

Are there anymore details are the requirements for accounts to get merged on terra? Do you have to log into each player everyday or just sign in from the account for it to get merged? Does it have to be very day? That seems a little excessive to me

Ty for usually stall and fun:) anyway

Even yors stall, make fun, ty admin for fix apsular in aoh, but need make same and with 7b.


Cube drop statistic

In the rubble of the cube, you find: Great Elixir of Endurance (9 pcs), Wondrous Balm of Fury (3 pcs), Fionite of Midday Tarkhan Skeletar (3 pcs), Great Elixir of Life (39 pcs).
and i have only 37k glad rep and 37 skeletars

update for phone

Kind Beast
@everyone a new update 3.4.6 was released on August 13 for Android (after the review is completed, version 3.4.4 will be available for iOs devices), a list of main changes:
- fixed Paste button on iOs devices;
- fixed incorrect display ...
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