
Little areas where you can send your player into an unkown region when your not playing. Level and equipment and items attached affect success and Xp gained. Certain areas are for certain levels and the harder the area the better the equipment your p...

Search Function for the Forums

Is there a search function for the Forums?? I can't find one,

FriendTrade Requests auto blocker....

I personally have played several mmo games like this and its usually nice to have an auto block or setting option to deny incoming friend and trade requests so that players cant spam you with them over and over again. I would just ignore the people ...

Improved Server Strength

Lately I have been losing connection and being booted. Flash also seems to be crashing quite often now. Is there a way to look into this? It is getting frustrating losing connection in the middle of a quest and dying.

rolling system for master loot

I believe this game needs a rolling system for cave runs when master loot is used. if there are two of one class its hard to decide who gets the item and a rolling system would def take care of that. just a thought so there is no disagreements!!!

A few suggestions for the developers.

I'm new, yes, but I've spotted many flaws.
here are my suggestions:
1.) I HIGHLY suggest you change the name 'heaven's voice.' The reason for this is you are violating your own rule of #9. Discussing any topics that may offend any other players. WH...

stamina recharge idea

Here's an idea, how about selling a way to recharge stamina, or items that decrease the recharge time? you could also make version of it that cost reals and ones that just cost gold like with potions.

Clan Altar

Having waited for so long for the Altar to be fixed, excited at the prospect of the spells available, you can imagine my major disappointment when I discovered that the spells are only available for reals. Perhaps I should have expected it, but I adm...

essence of element

Tt would be more fitting if the animal type determined the type of essence recieved, trees = earth, flying creatures= air, and so on.


When people tend to get married they should have a dress or a tux to wear and probably a cherch to get married at.....Ok so i've been working on disighns on outfits are people who just wanna dress up and for special accashions i would like ot get a...

Unfair Advantage Disrupting New Player Base

Goodness... Why is 60-70% of this games items, to equipment, to the functions like clans, to buying a damn tavern room. Why do these things HAVE to cost real money ONLY? Known as "Reals". I would like to see MOST to ALL of the items that can be bough...


i have seen many new commers and segnificant players complaining or @ least they cant have access to buy reals , so it came to my attention and for many of my friends that if admin can come up with alternative solutions ? would be great , thanks , th...

Experience shutoff Valor orb

I see and hear a lot of players mention the fact that gaining valor is a very tideious chore, so this is what i am sugesting and i think many will agree with this idea. Maybe we could have an option that turns off the Experience bar during pvp events...

Curse of Silence Bonus

Give a Bonus of money or something along those lines to players that dont have the Curse of Silence put on them like every month or every other month...That might cut back on swearing and trolling, it gives them incentive to keep the chat about the g...

Taxes and rules

why do you get taxed to put your weapons you want to sell on AH, and then taxed again when they get purchased i mean seriously, not all of us want to pay actual money for the game. the rules are quite silly, how can you be silenced for saying things ...
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