Clan Altar

Having waited for so long for the Altar to be fixed, excited at the prospect of the spells available, you can imagine my major disappointment when I discovered that the spells are only available for reals. Perhaps I should have expected it, but I admit I was still surprised. Why, after everyone in the clan helped contribute, should only those with big credit cards be able to use the altar? It's not fair and it only contributes to the game's sliding into the hands of the rich. Those not able or willing to pay real life money need access to the altar too, you could add a gold alternative or resources like the temple buffs. Just do something before the none-cash paying players all leave and the rich guys have no one to play with.
+1... I find it totally unfair that we have to use reals when the majority of the players here don't even use the real money. I prefer having the same offerings as the temple buffs
I completely agree.
3 dollars for a one-day-buff is a bit much!
I start disliking this game cuz its all about the money,and only guys with big pocket can play this game and now this I think I'm goin to look for another game to play........
i find it very rude that whilst everyone in the clan contributed to getting the altar in the end those willing or able to spend real life money are the only ones able to get the buff also i find it ludicrous that you have to pay 10 reals on top just to use the buff its stupid who the programmers are just making stupid ways to get money when most people don't use reals in this game what so ever
As mentioned before lets keep it constructive and not turn suggestion into a whine thread.
the altar is a waste of money weither you use reals or gold. there are better things to use it on.
This could be easily fixed by using the same system of donating resources to get the blessings, as with the temple. Since the blessing is the same for all levels you could just decrease the amount of higher level resources needed. For example, the crown of comprehension might cost 1000 strawberries, 800 foxberry, 600 pumpkins... etc.
Matt PheonixThis could be easily fixed by using the same system of donating resources to get the blessings, as with the temple. Since the blessing is the same for all levels you could just decrease the amount of higher level resources needed. For example, the crown of comprehension might cost 1000 strawberries, 800 foxberry, 600 pumpkins... etc.

We kinda figured that's what it would be. Like the temple altar. At no point was it said that it would cost reals. You should really warn people of this so that those of us who have a family and bills to pay and can't waste all their money on here, actually don't bother getting excited for these things.
this is stupid, im 13 years old and i cant buy reals, all the legions are going to be beating the hell out of us who cant or wont buy reals. they spend ridiculous amounts of money on things, like the marks, i get murdered enough already
The fact that the new alter only accepts payment in the form of reels is extremely shocking. After being able to donate resources to the other alters and having no mention of having to use reels on the new alter, it was very misleading to clans and there members. There should be put into place some form of donating resources or, since it is CLAN alter, a way to donate items to the clan and still recieve the buffs.
i agrreeee wid matt on this every1 sud be able 2 get a thr blesings may charge 2ce the gold for a blessing like for other items but it is important that all get a chance
I agree...there are those of us who have played this game for many hours and have put our hearts into it just to be dealt out and put aside because the players with money now dominate. Seems you would reward long time players for loyalty by at least giving them a break. As Matt stated this could be easily done. And yes, a little heads up would have been considerate. All the posts bring good and valid points to the table. What fun is it when you buy and not get a lot of players that are tanks and don't really appreciate the game. Resource donations would fix this problem, I mean isn't that one of the reasons the whole profession cell was created ?? I understand the G.O.D.'s need funds to continue this game and to create others, but does it have to be done by bleeding the "old school" players ? This is not a whine is voices that truly love the game. The players we have "grown up" with. It is sad that long time and new friends have quit the game because of money issues. This is not a corporate created game. It was created by people with a love for gaming...or so I thought. Come on now, do you really want to take away the joy experienced by young players who are just starting out in the gaming world ?? Just remember how YOU felt when you worked hard to get something "cool" and finally received it ? Bring back the love of the game....not the love of money. And remember whoever dies with the most toys...still dies !!! And revenge is served sweetest when you kill for it...not pay for it...where's the fun in that ??? (hehehe)
well i don't use real "> but the way i see stuff being costly ... negative impact is going on the regular player."> .
As the number of player is increased making things cheaper will attract more player to play which will lead u the gamer to profit ">...
Personally i don't have problem with the cost u put"> ... but looking at clan stuff they really are costly">

As mentioned before lets keep it constructive and not turn suggestion into a whine thread.

First off it is not a WHINE thread as you call it.....people are PISSED! and i don't blame them. If my clan loses less than 20% of it's players due to this latest "improvement" it will be only because we have not purchased the items for the altar yet. We have however purchased the altar which was a complete waste of coin for all but a few players. The game developers need to find balance in the game. The cash players in every game will always dominate, that's just the way it is.....this game has taken it a bit to far and it's sad because it is truly a good game, it's just becoming not enjoyable anymore.

Get some balance in the game, JUSTIFY the monthly clan dues in some way other than to merely say they are to "balance the economy" which is a complete and utter line of bull in my opinion.

To everyone, such as myself, that thought that the altar was going to be an affordable bonus for clan members, every time you see in an announcement that something will be AVAILABLE just remember to mentally add FOR REALS after that and there should be no more misunderstandings.
The good news is maybe with all the cash they are fleecing from us they will soon have high quality, stable servers AVAILABLE.

lol JJ !! good one !!!
Lady Sin,
Maybe if you guys cared about ALL the players and not only the PAYING ones, you would understand the fact that MOST players are mad, even some of the PAYING players. We are complaining simply based on the fact that you guys announce updates and they are are becoming reals based. I love the fact that you keep mentionning that the game remains a free game to play. Right. Are you guys seriously saying that a player is able to easily play the game from level 1 to level 50? Once you reach level 20 and are not getting the real-based gear and such, you are getting destroyed in valor acquisitions situations like AoH, 7 Bridges, Duel of Truths and all other PvP related fights. Since all the best gear can only be gotten through high valor scores, you cannot hope to compete with real-buying players.

Couldnt of said it better myself :) Thank you for stating the opinion that alot of people are wanting to say :) I for 1 have quit my valor early on because of this. ITS NOT FUN...point of a game should be for fun yes? And a free game at that....the unbalancing is horribleI wanna fight but I CANT! And im getting treated like crap cause I dont have this "real based armor"....What?????? seriously??? I need to make my "game better" What? How? By paypalling? Ya right lol. "> sorry if I offend anyone but jeeze for real, to keep up with anything I need to put hundreds of dollars into a FLASH GAME!!! ">I dont know what admin plan to do, but its horrible to not beable to access good armor unless I paypal to buy reals...and now, of anything, clans are suffering...What??? Why should we have to pay real life money for a buff that lasts only a few hrs? Woah, thats crazy!

Ive been ranting and raving all morning/afternoon on this very subject...Quite frankly done now, I would rather carry on being a free player by destroying myself hunting monsters and hunting in caves. Atleast thats where the real fun is. Alot of players will dissapear, including myself...oh wait, I dont matter cause I dont pay into the game, right? ">"> I probably did piss alot off, but again appologies all around, just sick of every single game I go to, its whoever has the heaviest wallet wins...its not even about true skill anymore, not about teamwork...its who is the "individual strongest" in that fight....">How awsome is it to hear "I still had 4 potions left" when my whole team just got decimated by all blue armors...ummm really? WOW.

I applaud u man u said it all in a nut shell
i agree totally. first u lower the drop rate AGAIN and then this. it's bad enough that all the good stuff in the game costs reals which hurts players who have budgets and can't put every dollar on this game. All the players who have tons over available cash already make it hard for normal players. ur just giving them one more thing over us. Every day this game seems more and more like u don't care about the average players only the ones who will line ur pockets.
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