very simple request

let players be able to add friends to their list when they have 50+ friends on their list already.....this is an MMORPG socialising is the main point of this type of game lol

Battleground teaming system repost

I'm serious: it needs to be based on stats and gear, not level. Honestly, level doesn't mean anything in this game other than new gear. I'm put on a team with a lv27 with bad gear against 2 lv 25's with buyer gear. I get screwed every single time.

Semi-Repost: Order feature in AH

(This is not my idea, it's been brought up before but I'd like to raise the issue once more)

Orders: Basically, someone places an order in AH for an item and the amount and places X amount of cash with it, it will be taxed just like AH. People wil...

Ignore Feature

Possibly add an ignore feature on auction house, tried different searches such as buyout, bid, time remaining yet always see the same few with their stupid prices. Would like to see them gone.

side view on hair styles

would like a side view on hair styles please some style look completely different from the from the front view and when you buy it and go into battle your hair just looks weird lol

Prospector Profession

There Are so many new players and Player Alts now, that this profession has come close to impossible, unless you one of the dominant few.
We need either one of each type of resource at the pond, or a free slot at each site, that's have one opening ...

New Outfit - Skrag Alien

Maybe it would be good if you could create an outfit that imitates what the skrag alien from the ship quest does. For example no added stats but allows you to change opponent during group fights at will. Could also be implemented as a wizard or the o...

new playable races

i was thinking about the different races and thought maybe they could be playable people the dragonians ,the elves, or the humans and a subclass to give each a different advantage and disadvantage take for instance a dragonian warrior strong with mel...

Melvin the Merchant

when he arrives can u add a set of schemes to his stuff like 1real for light protection of fire scheme, very hard to find any in game that people sell at reasonable prices

HoP donations

its frustrating that we have to give lvl 1 stuff away, im now a lvl 2 hunter and have no plans of getting lvl 1 hunter stuff again, why not upgrade the lvl of donation as your profession increases so goes from carved ham > rump, wheat >foxberry and s...

7b every 30mins

could you make 7b's every 30 minutes instead of every hour it gets annoying because i miss quiet a lot of them even though im online for most of the day and it would get people pvp'ing more also

Battleground Teaming

I have came to notice, there is a simple system for making teams in Battlegrounds.They go and divide the lvls queed up evenly. I beg you to change this.There are players low lvl in bracket stronger than high lvls in bracket. lvl doesnt matter. Plz ch...

Sea Battles alternatives

So we are trying to encourage more players to come do Sea Battles. My though is to make the sea battle in brackets 22-35 // 36 - 50 // whilst having these as the main option have another Sea Battle queue so that will mix the levels of all 22-50 in qu...


There should be other ways for players to earn heroism starting at lvl 22, Clan wars are good but dont offer a lot and at current time there is no point for vaalor players to do SeaBattles. Now while sadar will always win now there may be a time when...

In Game Arena events

there needs to be more arena events for the lvl 29+ brackets, im struggling to get any valor in arenas, ToH isnt starting most of the time and the only way im getting valor is through Sea Battle, which is still poor for the amount of time you put in...
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