Idea for multi Language problem

Why don't you have a option to tick all the Languages you can understand, and also have a default Language.
Then if anyone posts in any supported Language, but it auto translate if its not one of your ticked Languages to your default.
Like what goo...


I think it would be a good idea if a Spanish server would come into play
I see so many ppl who speak Spanish silenced because they can't speak English
I don't think that is fair
It will give them a bad view about DE
and this is such an awesome ga...

Combat Upgrade

My suggestion would be one of the biggest changes in the game and it could take a while to integrate it into the game. But it could make the game some much more skillful. First make the stance something u can change only every 3 turns. so i...

Just a thought

maybe in an update u could make it to where u could anger monster to have anther 1 come in to where u could fight has many has u want in 1 match.u get could more xp that way and maybe better drop rate if u have more than 1 in a single match. and has ...

AH item selection


Could you add tabs when your selling in AH same as in your back pack to make it easier to find stuff to sell.

Purses of enrichment

1st of all I would like to say the day of ruthless fury continues to be a massive success and don't know of a person who doesn't love it, so kudos to the game. As people love it so much they play it a lot and equally spend on it also. However it coul...

Insignia of GreatnessReflection

These can be useful, one can buy, hold, and use when you need them except.... they expire 24h after purchase if not used. Kind of defeats the purpose in my opinion. They already cost more than the buffs you get immediately so would like to suggest...

HoP and eyes

Please change the length of time these takes bring them all down to 1hr

Change HoP to being able to do it every 12hrs for half the amount of resources, and eyes for half the price also, it is far too long and boring to sit and fight for 2hrs const...

Arena Quests

So we have AoH and 7B quests, why not also have recurring quests for ToH and Sea Battles

ToH ones could be some thing like deal 20k Damage overall in ToH - these ones will offer Gladiator Rep

Sea Battles could be deal 15k damage overall or kill...

Suggestions for "Looking for Group" tab overhaul

The Looking for Group tab, as it currently works in the game, is essentially useless. No one reads it or pays attention to it unless they themselves are looking for a group. At any given time, there aren't enough players looking at that tab to be of ...

Emoticons & Chat rules

Hello Admins! I just wanted to point out chat rule #10: Discussion and advertising of drugs and/or alcohol. Isn't it a bit contradictory to have emoticons of beer, cocktails, and pipe smoking to use in chat if that is in direct violation of said r...

Mining out of hand!!!

something has to be done with the mining mines,add more,and personal ones in pond with much less quantity like coal and quartz,it is getting near impossible to find anything anymore beyond silver,rose,gold or amethyst people hold onto it like...

jungle theme mount costums

u can buy outfits for the player why not for are mounts also to turn them into lions or rhinos or summet people very attachd to there mounts and wud welcome this idea maybe give it more hp defence etc

Finding a gatherer

Perhaps having the hunter icon etc showing next to a persons name as does a valor rank to make it easier to find people of a certain profession, even if not in near tab and just in friends list would be a nice touch as I sometimes forget who does wha...

Game Updates

Could you give us more notice in the news (not just 30 mins inside game), and also could you let us know what has been added.
I've noticed you have put in the news on the Russian server, about the changes, so its not if you don't know what why are.
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