Prospector Profession

There Are so many new players and Player Alts now, that this profession has come close to impossible, unless you one of the dominant few.
We need either one of each type of resource at the pond, or a free slot at each site, that's have one opening for each player. even if you use the 50% rule for free slots, like you do for coal etc, at least your be able to get some resources.

I know mines was designed for battles, but you can still have that for extra slots, plus a lot of top players have alts now, and good luck if you want to attack them.

I'm lucky I have a lot of high level friends as miners and they let me have a slot if I need for a quest, but if it was not for that I would only get about 3-5 slots a week.

This game has gotten too big, for the current rules, so they need a re-think or more slots.
i blame don ratte he and 2 alts take up the majority of mines, leaving others with no option buy to mine at pond, then u get onto lvl 2 and there is no way u can get any materials from that as they are always occupied and no where for a free mine of it, hence the reason i quit being a miner, not enough mines to cope with the demand of players needing it
totally agreed, there is a player who has 3accounts dominating mines, Donratte, Luci and Reiner-Zuffall it makes it very hard to get slots too, and he isnt the only player having 2or more alts for mines i guess, sometimes i wait a 5hours for a slot but i rarely get over 1k rescources a day
i know what donratte does isnt against rules and im not mad at him that hes that smart to hav 3alts for mines but awe need more slots for the more than 50miners
i kinda agree with this but at the same time i don''s true that there are many alt miners about but they are all low lv and im pretty sure most of the higher lv miners could stop them from mining completely by attacking there mines that is one way to stop getting new miner's lmao "> but as far as i've noticed most of the players in this game are a lazy bunch and are too nice lol so they probably wont be bothered to attack mines :D so yh if pond had every type of ore to mine it would be nice..... because either way in the future there will be a shortage of miners due to either the fact they can't get slots, they constantly get attacked, mining is a waiting game..... i once fell asleep one my keyboard waiting for mines -_-' so they might get bored of the proffesion
Roanoa_Zoroi kinda agree with this but at the same time i don''s true that there are many alt miners about but they are all low lv and im pretty sure most of the higher lv miners could stop them from mining completely by attacking there mines that is one way to stop getting new miner's lmao "> but as far as i've noticed most of the players in this game are a lazy bunch and are too nice lol so they probably wont be bothered to attack mines :D so yh if pond had every type of ore to mine it would be nice..... because either way in the future there will be a shortage of miners due to either the fact they can't get slots, they constantly get attacked, mining is a waiting game..... i once fell asleep one my keyboard waiting for mines -_-' so they might get bored of the proffesion

i tried attacking DonRatte alt luci miner and he brings his main into the fight
Squall Leonhart,

I think that that's clearly in alt rules that it's forbidden to do that...

It's only forbidden to enter same fight as your alt character.
Rule should be in place that a player can't enter an alts mine fight.

Hells LegionnaireRule should be in place that a player can't enter an alts mine fight.
now this guy has a great idea it'll help lotsa lower lv's for sure the only down side to this is that if its a really high lv player's alt your attacking chances are he/she'd get pissed off and bc you lots :S....maybe

The small minded will, but at least then they have chance to take the mines in the first place, increase costs for the player until it is too much effort and too little profit for them to bother. Hopefully.
Also it not help a lot of people have used the quest bug on there alts, so there are now a lot of 3k + alts.
I agree, and it has potential to undermine the entire economy as mining remains a fixed daily amount available while the other resources will be more abundant as more people join and as more people will switch away from mining.

I would propose like a minute period after a mine ends in which all who want to mine there enter something like a raffle for the spot.
Then maybe also a certain grace period so you don't get attacked the first second after.

Also maybe scaling the amount of mines, or the amount of resources that are gathered with the amount of other resources that are gathered would balance out economy. Else there is no other way for the economy to go then expensive mining resources and everything else too cheap to produce as income.
I've attacked mines, i got away with it sometimes. but the cost of the fight is rediculous, so unless u r using for crafts( like me) u cant make any money off the resources. Make more spots plz.
Man of Life,
it depends lol a lv 50 could defeat a miner easily i can too lol i just leave it up to my dragon for mastery and less exp
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