HoP donations

its frustrating that we have to give lvl 1 stuff away, im now a lvl 2 hunter and have no plans of getting lvl 1 hunter stuff again, why not upgrade the lvl of donation as your profession increases so goes from carved ham > rump, wheat >foxberry and so on
just change your knife to a lower lv one to hunt for carved ham instead lol..... personally i dont want this changed... for miner's coal is a lot easier to get then dolo since there's more of it around and coal is cheaper to get so i'd be losing money even if it's a little bit with dolo lmao :P
i would rather them just have it in lvl so lvl 1 stuff offers 0.5% chance of reals, lvl 2 stuff 1% chance, lvl 3 stuff 1.5% chance of reals

and so on, maybe pointless, or just have it that you can select the lvl of material you want to sacrfice similar to the temple buffs
Squall Leonhart,
but then the lower lv mastery guys will get a hard time getting reals too ....i dont mind it being completely random and making it all about luck lol :P
Squall Leonhart,

Would be better if each level of profession had an item that could be donated but not alter the % chance of real drops, simply so people had choice of for example so many pelt scraps or thins pelts and so on.
yeah the percentage is stupid idea, i was just thinking of having it like temple where you can donate something from each lvl same effect just different donation, kinda hard to get stingers and what not from traps when u have to use lower lvl knife (i only do traps really) rarely fight mobs
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