new playable races

i was thinking about the different races and thought maybe they could be playable people the dragonians ,the elves, or the humans and a subclass to give each a different advantage and disadvantage take for instance a dragonian warrior strong with melee but slightly slower mana gain, or mage class faster man gain but weaker melee. and then there is the balanced equal melee vs mana gain. the races will have there own advantiges the humans will be the balanced between accuracy/crit chance vs damage resilience, the dragonians will have a higher resistance to damage where as the elves will be more accuracy and chance for critical hit
ps the elves as i refered would be the sinra and others like it so if you think this might be doable let me know if you think it needs alittle change let me know its your game i was just throwing this out there. food for thought">
its not needed

mana stance = more mana
attack stance = more damage
defence stance - less damage taken and given

then u just fill zerk weaps with mark of fury to inrease crit chance, pallys with stamina mark to increase chance of blocking/dodging, and witchers with absorption mark to lower the damage done

Although I disagree with the advantages e.g raised dodge etc. I do think you have a good idea of introducing the races as a customization even if just for appearance reasons. Seems pointless for admins to mention multiple races when making sadar or vaalor selection then for us to not be able to choose a race to be.
im with hells legionaire ... races would be good for customization
i hope the we can choose a race soon and not just a temp for a day more like till we change are minds like for our pros fishing mining ect. at least the first one could be free so that we can make our choice but if we want to change then we should pay a couple of gold to switch and so on.
does anybody else have input for this at least for new playable races
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