Day of Mass Growth

So for for professions on this day every thing you mine/hunt/farm or fish is doubled, palars can also be used during this once a month event :)

Kinda stupid idea but meh, what the hell thought i should post it anyway

Alliance enemy

Once you create an alliance you can set another clan to enemy for 1day with a 5day cool down, during the time that the clan is set to enemy BC are worth 2times as much.

I dunno if possible as it may be exploited but just a suggestion

Profession Mastery

Presuming that someone still reads that
I'm finding the profession mastery gain very wrong set. I'm around 100 points low from getting Hunter Mastery and each day I'm gaining less and less Mastery Points. I was answered that that's the game going as...

Placing Orders Suggestion

Its Sort of Similer How You Put Stuff Up On Ah And Wait To Sell...But I Want you guys to make something that you can place orders like for example before i go to sleep i put and order on auction house for 1000 fire essence...and someone else can just...

loot groups.

if your tired of not getting loot create a group set loot to master loot invite 5 people you can count on and pile up loot in the bag until everyone gets something good and better chance to get loot
Queen of suggestion's Princess hitaro more sugges...

Weapon Renting.

I think it is time to add a new feature to dragon eternity weapon renting, reason why the players that have a hard time with money in the game can rent weapons from higher level players for example a level 12 player wants a powerful weapon for Duel o...

In Game Merchant

I would like to see an in game merchant that can trade your gear for another gear for a fee of 1real per item, Im getting bored trying to change gear that no one is buying or willing to trade and have done nothing all day

Instance Try limit during Tomes of Blight quest

I feel that, since this quest comes around only every 3 months and people are more likely to need more tries to gather a good group to beat the final boss, there should be no Instance Try limit during the time allotted for this particular event quest...

Mastery when leveling up a craft

I feel that it takes up way too much of our time to have to wait before a product is crafted, and so i feel that when we level up in our Mastery , the time it takes to complete a task should be cut down especially on levels that would be novice. Per...

AH suggestion

As well as having a bid and buyout, why not also have a buyout as well for reals, so you can put things up for reals instead, i know less players will buy them but also gives the chance for players to get reals from profession items,

Hero of the Empire Star does not work for Healing Rep

I put on the Hero of the Empire Star and go around doing Healing but no double rep

New AH search features

1.) The ability to be able to block certain peoples items showing in the list
2.) The ability to be able to search by seller

idea behind #1 i look for essences and the page is just covered by radioheads essences - i dont want to buy 1 at a time

Idea for mass commerce

I believe that substances such as substance of revival, half-blood idol (basically anything that gabrilas can help you find) should be transferrable. This makes it easier for players to make money and also to get the necessary equipment (and also pre...


On the clans section can you not just take away the 2 clans with 1 member since both those members are shackled, nothing big lol

2 tier sea battles

simple thing, is for 2 tiers of sea battles, 22 - 35 and 36 - 50, that way the lower lvls can actually compete in them, in the current format you have lvl 50s coming up against lvl 22s,23,24 and what not that stand no chance, just a slight alteration...
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