Zoom Fuction

Not just fullscreen but an actual zoom function. The search quests (any of them) are all pains in the ***. No one likes them. Having an actual zoom function instead of just fullscreen and turning brightness all the way up would be helpful and less ti...

vortex a bit smaller

I've noticed that every time vortex comes around only 6-10 people want to join it. I've been badly wanting to try this out bit never get to join. Do you think in the future if there continues to be so many lacking that it be reduced to 12 or so as a ...

Daily Events and other events

So many often complain that they cant attend events because of timing and the day it lands on, why not change it do a weekly thing, i shall use DoT as example

Week 1 - DoT will be done at the early time of 17:00 game server time, for both events t...

chat on forum

a chat box would be nice on days when admins are doing a maintenance on the game i've seen lots of people get bored just waiting till maintenace is finished to start playing, so i chat tab might help pass the time

Knossos Canyon as bypass for Squares

During the lvl 4 quest Spy Effect's we can use Canyon as a bypass between squares but that is the only time we can. Why not all the time? Would save time and make it a bit easier. Whether or not this could be revoked during a war (since that would b...

Payment Via Mobile

Well you can choose the exact amount via paypal, why not do something similar with phone, i can only ever get casket of merits as it doesnt let me put 30 reals in 1 transaction

Clan Vote System

When I clan votes for a new leader, the clan should be locked, like it is when a war is declared.
Else if you try and vote a leader out and get a new one, the current leader can just kick everyone before enough people can get online to vote for a ch...


With regards to the mana glyphs, why not make it work where u can bulk buy these insignias like glyphs - 0.XX amount of reals = 20 of them like destruction/life glyphs

Further Plans

I checked out the Russian dragon eternity and it seems like vortex is the rage there - and nothing else new - what i was hoping for was new reputations! And or a new magical style or fighting style - btw - is there a flash translator i can use?

Hunter gathering 3k trap relocation suggestion

When a hunter gatherer reaches 3k mastery, at the Faltanar's Apiary a trap is unlocked and it captures Trumpeting Burul (31). I have noticed that green Carcasses from beast are levels 19-26 and blue Carcasses from beast are levels 27-34. My suggest...

Hunter gathering 3k trap relocation suggestion

When a hunter gatherer reaches 3k mastery, at the Faltanar's Apiary a trap is unlocked and it captures Trumpeting Burul (31). I have noticed that green Carcasses from beast are levels 19-26 and blue Carcasses from beast are levels 27-34. My suggest...


don't know what u guys r doing but,we need more mines out here,there r literally 100's of miners with alts as well...only 2 actonite mines and 2 copper mines..and for real only 2 roselite...and 2 silver ore.....and 1 of 16k ones.....is getting very r...

More Info on Updates and other suggestions

1.) Maybe a day or so before the update make Heaven's voice tell us that game will be unavailable the following day between 10 - 10:30 as an example, mainly so that we know its gonna happen so we dont just log on and 5mins later its down.

2.) When...



Top Player Weekly Rankings

As there is a weekly achievement and confrontation prize for the clans, could there not also be one for the players as well? It would certainly encourage players of all levels if it was done properly, for instance:

Top Confrontation - Amount of wi...
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