Battleground Teaming

I have came to notice, there is a simple system for making teams in Battlegrounds.They go and divide the lvls queed up evenly. I beg you to change this.There are players low lvl in bracket stronger than high lvls in bracket. lvl doesnt matter. Plz change system to a evening the stats on each team. mostly the HP.This cant be too hard to do. This would be much more fair than teams being stacked and eneven all the time. Plz Plz Plz take this into consideration. ">">">
yeah i agree with this however i like it atm as im stuck with lvl 35s in my bracket lol but i think it needs to be sorted out
yh agree with this even out the teams stats wise not level
I agree.
I don't agree if the lower levels are stronger and win then there just doing it right, Time to work harder ppl
no, its called they have blue gear that kills. I cant even beat a lvl 17!
yes i do know how it feels however i got sum blue gear and win alot, but i do have lots of pots left sumtimes wich make arenas not rly that challenging and for ppl who dont have blue gear it is twice as worse as they lose alot more and get valor etc up alot slower
Man of Life,

Why not get blue gear yourself then? Please don't use the excuse only cashers can get it because I know myself you don't need to pay in, and if I'm not mistaken so does deathknight. Sometimes teams are extremely unfair for the player but on the other hand it's never even teams otherwise every fight would be a draw. Just be thankful when the team draw works in your favour if that isn't often then work hard to make sure you can make up for it.
Man of Life,

And blue jewellery really helps, a bit annoying to try and get but makes a difference.
ich versuchs mal auf deutsch vllt wirds ja übersetzt.
ich bin der meinung das die level bereiche verkleinert werden sollten, und die paygamer and die nonpayer getrennt werden müssen, sonst regieren hier nur noch die leute mit viel geld und das spiel stirbt.
Hells Legionnaire,

thats true, and this game wouldnt excist without ppl that pay for it :D
Hells Legionnaire,
Yes, u dont have to cash for blue gear, but unless you spend all your tiem in caves, or are a super merchant, you dont get it.
I'd appreciate it if you thought b4 u spoke.

My translation may not be correct but did you suggest separating payers and non-payers? If so that's an awful idea, payers would simply stop playing as they lose their advantage over poor quality non-payers and game would lose money and eventually shut down. Not to mention you's still have non-payers in full blue gear so in no way would it solve the problem.

Although the idea to reduce level ranges does seem great.
Man of Life,

If you know how to do it yet you don't then it's your problem that you're getting slapped about by players in blue, but the original point remains the same sometimes the draw is against you sometimes it isn't just make the most of it when it is.
i totaly agree hells of leggionaire on that :D
Hells Legionnaire,
knowing how to do it, and doing it are much different. A lot harder.
Man of Life,

Fair enough if you can't do it or can't be bothered because it's too hard but your post is still wrong in my opinion, for example evening stats for teams based on hp, paladins have more hp due to their main stat being stamina. You could end up with teams that are mostly paladins which isn't fair. Perhaps an overall stat system would work. But I do have to say some players who are capable of it prefer it when say a level 15 is put with multiple low levels as it pushes them to do better. Your point is understandable if you're doing considerably high damage and still losing due to the team selection system but I highly doubt that's your situation.
did i read this post wrong?

i thought he said we should split teams evenly buy their stats and not lv which makes sense to me since there are some lower lv's in brackets that beat higher lv's.

and as deathknight says sometimes we are left with too many pots left at the end of fight that's because the teams weren't really even lv wise maybe but there might have been a huge difference in gear this also means that players on the side with the good gear would be left with a lot less valor then they could have gotten.

also you don't have to spend you life in caves or be a super merchant to make money you just have to know how to save and use your money :P


It did at first but I went onto how they should improve themselves before trying to improve the system mini rants after man of life said Man of Life: no, its called they have blue gear that kills. I cant even beat a lvl 17!

My main point is that I prefer level splitting as it's down to the players to have the best quality gear available they can which most don't which is their fault, but if we did split on stats there would be problems such as do we split on overall stats or as man said based on hp, would we then have to split based on classes to make it more fair. It just keeps going on and on when really who you're teamed with is down to luck and who's queuing at that time. Which is why I personally think it's a bad idea, unless a player is doing a ridiculous amount of damage and always losing due to bad team selection then I couldn't agree with a change in the system but that's just my opinion others will differ. ">
Hells Legionnaire,
in fact, that very damn well is my situation
Man of Life,

Pm me a link to a few battles once you do so, if true then fair enough. But still you shouldn't be so rude in forums, the whole point is to express opinions about ideas, if you can't take negative criticism and reply with a logical response explaining your point rather than rude comments. You shouldn't be posting in forums otherwise. In particular meaning this comment. --> I'd appreciate it if you thought b4 u spoke.
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