Not to brag or anything but

VS finally got 1k clan reps after over 1.5 years of struggling!

For those of you (us) in the path of Matthew

good luck and stay safe! I hope wars and other events will go well. I am hoping to be at my war, but there's no guarantee I'll have power tomorrow. Prayers and thoughts and love to all those in the path OR wake of this horrendous storm.

Go Cubs Go

Go Cubs Go
Hey Chicago what do you say?
The Cubs are gonna win today!!!

The 108 year curse has been broken!

Thought we needed something to celebrate around here (and Cleveland fans should be proud - what a great 7 game series!!!)


New archipelago

Ihit. You said if enough people ask something, it happens. I ask in the name of my fellow de's to bring the new arch. Most of us are bored without it. We have no motivation or anything to do in game. Torlingss, kariol, elites, mines, arch quests, etc...

tues war

2 level 3 clans skipped again... why?

Valhalla Infinite

we are now taking recruits message me if interested.

Should Gladiator and BC collection pieces be trade-able?

I want your opinion on whether or not BC and Gladiator collection pieces should be tradeable and able to auction? opinions and reasons why

Final Shaab Fight

What will be done here? There were no spawns on non-defiler side and the dragon got down to just under half HP.

What did we miss out on?
250 rep from quest
1500+ rep from the fight.
Being able to do non-defiler things after the fight.
The obvi...


Harley is baning people people, especially elitists (shocker) in arena while they are on hop and red bag. 9th then get offended if we respond and hit 9th.

Why would you or any 9th be surprised by this response?

It is simple. Harley stops the n...

Confrontation points

What happened with confrontation points?

Do you want to know, what happend with Inferno Legacy ?

Hello all !

Some people take notice of it and asked me or some of my formally Clanmates about.
For all others I write here what happened, what we think about, what we want to do and what the consequences for game, when it not will be punished


Hi DE People,

The game just seems really boring to me these days. I log in, do protector quest, maybe bgs if it runs, maybe current event if I have the time or gold but ultimately I just feel really bored. One factor that hampers my playing more is I simply don't ...

Ihit Can Anything Be Done ???

I found out that Eddard in Memoriam and his alt Toot Sweet kicked everyone out of the clan to gain the contents of all chests. Can he do that? the contents of the chests belong to the clan members the sydian was supposed to be for upgrades and I put ...

Stupid Dragon

I have noticed quite a lot recently that my dragon will still strike its opponent at times even when it has full mana.
Is there a way we could have commands for dragons, like a pre-set order of moves.
What I mean by this is if we aren't controlling...


Ever pet a tarkhan ever snuggled a tarlhan? well I do I love tarkhans I pray to tarkhans every night I sacrifice my armour and gold to tarkhans tarkhans are life for me tarkhans are my parents tarkhans are love tarkhans are life. Before i goto bed i ...
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