Final Shaab Fight

What will be done here? There were no spawns on non-defiler side and the dragon got down to just under half HP.

What did we miss out on?
250 rep from quest
1500+ rep from the fight.
Being able to do non-defiler things after the fight.
The obvious, the 2 eyes of abyss that would've been handed out.

Thanks to this now I can't hop, do professions and a ton more. Where am I suppose to make my gold?
I wasted a TON of buffs, a cursed, and an idol on this fight which was lost? For what? Some BC rep and some valor? I can get that in aoh and not spend like 50g on it. That is obnoxious and cannot be left alone.
What will be compensated? Any suggestions on what we should be compensated, players of DE?
I'm sick of this game's customer's's basically non-existant. For instance: Three weeks after we report a bug with confrontation ratings, it is fixed. I'm giving up on this bullshit of a game, really not worth all the money I put in.
Removed by user
oh look the real TOO turns up that can't write. Compare that to the recent posts to where TOO can write english. Ironic that you complain about the game and yet try and cheat the game.

However you are right about clan rewards not being given. 9th weren't in top 3 though so not sure why you are complaining?
Does anyone have the links for the fights? I was at work, only made it to the first one, which I am grateful only lasted 20 minutes.
Storm Kat, -- Actual Fight - Slaughter - Slaughter - Slaughter
be mine for eternity.
This is really insane. Wasted alot of gold and reals for this thing. Definatley need a compensation for this or are we suppose to take it that this game is a lost cause?
Sweetness. Even though the defiler came off, we still can't access quests because we still have the damn boss fight quest for 24 hours.
That means Garuug can still pop up and you don't know where he is. What bullshit is that? Come on DE.
Yes, we are limited to being unable to do anything today
Ooh, garuug just popped...where is the precious little troll? No clue
Did any other of the defilers receive the quest for non-defilers? That's what I received and i couldnt kill Arkhanshul seeing as I was on his team.....seems like an almighty mistake was made somewhere

I have posted 2 pictures in gallery, one of garuug and one of the quest received before big fight last night.
Oh well missed garuug too as got it as soon as buff changed last night but with no quests couldn't find him in time. Even though its frustating thinking of the buffs I wasted I believe we will have to chalk this one up to experience and maybe next time if there are a lot of defilers perhaps we should not summon as I take it its our damage that counts against the dragon not that of our summons.
I think there should be compensation of some kind. I have never had a cursed decurion, but I imagine it's a relatively expensive buff and people threw everything they had into that first fight. Idols, summons. I understand the frustration and if I had thrown everybuff I had, I would be pissed too.

I think it's just too hard to predict what happens. In the past, it seems like we never had enough defilers, leading to 24 hour long fights but this time, we may have had too many. And, I think they all threw everyone summon they had with the intention of getting the eye, not because they wanted non-defilers not to be able to win, but because they couldn't have known we didn't have enough people to absorb the damage. I don't know if it's just too many defilers, or that so many people have left that we just didn't have enough people show up on non-defilers side.
And now, with defilers able to hop in aoh, I see no reason why any of us won't get Blight next time As you can see in the first link, players were not even able to kill all the game summons, and there will be even less players next time. Can admin please share what will be changed, if anything, for the next event?
Defilers can't get any quests thus can't get hop either
Storm Kat,
defilers can't get HoP-quest. At least I couldn't. Now I only have one quest available to me...ironically it is the boss fight quest.
TheOnlyOneStorm Kat,
defilers can't get HoP-quest. At least I couldn't. Now I only have one quest available to me...ironically it is the boss fight quest.

same for me
It's like that for everybody that was a defiler, unfortunately. Anybody who was a defiler is stuck with that stupid boss fight quest and can't access other quests including hop/protector quests/daily professions quests/AND GARUUG omfg the buff shows up but not the quest...How are we suppose to know DE? That's a lot of money everybody lost.
Don't think anyone cared (talking about admin not caring about defiler-buff etc)

oh look the real TOO turns up that can't write. Compare that to the recent posts to where TOO can write english. Ironic that you complain about the game and yet try and cheat the game.

However you are right about clan rewards not being given. 9th weren't in top 3 though so not sure why you are complaining?

So while you were taking drama classes, I took language classes.
pearls, TheOnlyOne, Truffles, If you say so
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