I have an idea for HotKeys(shortcut keys)...

new chat tab

How about a Miscellaneous tab for general open discussions for those of us who wish to talk about trade values and such but do not want to be yelled at for doing it in trade channel and do not want to deal with all the BS that goes on in Main Chat

Mysterious Death by Miners

Left Bank of the Shadan
collecting ore after mining then clicking on "start mining" and after i click on worker "use"
how does it came after this i find myself fighting a miner??

i did not clicked on attack as it seems because i could pick my mi...


Replicants need summons. Fact. How can they possibly replicate players when a player can almost always out damage them AND summon 2 skellies and a dragon? For this reason the team with a replicant is nearly always at a disadvantage.

Admittedly, we...

traveling format

well just puttin it out there that maybe if u were to put in a format similar to adventure quest you might get a lot more fans cus from what i learned most people dont like rpg's that u just click around in they like to see theyre character mob aroun...


You should not be penalized for being in a small group which has trouble fighting in the caves. Suggest that you allow the Raid to work in the caves. This way people can work outside of their group without having to leave their group

Repetitive combat

Sometimes, we're fighting monsters a lot weaker than us (farming, easy quest, etc) and we pretty much use the same attack every single time until the monster's dead. This gets a little annoying.

My suggestion is that there is an "auto" function fo...

Purchasing Reals

It would be great if we could buy just one real for one dollar rather than have to buy five. Sometimes we don't need all 5 and would be wasting money.

Stance and Skills HOTKEYS

I have a simple suggestion to make HOTKEYS for Stance and Skills... something like:
F1--F2--F3 for Stances.
1-2-3-4-5-6... for Skills.

Better Selling Prices

I see that everything sells for a VERY low price. For example my 90 simple strength orbs sell for only 1 copper each. This is really annoying because I don't want to sell it on the auction house for less than it's worth. So can the selling of ALL ite...

Skrag Cave Items

I recently started participating in battles in the Skrag Caves, and I have to say I'm disappointed. I came out with a lot of really good items that I figured I could sell on AH to make some gold to buy relics with, turns out I was wrong? I totally di...

money log

a screen where you can check where all your money went... I had 8g+ earlier and know I could not have spent 8g withing 30 minutes... Well I could have but I'm not sure on what exactly... So I would like some way to keep track of purchases and expense...

Yet another idea.

I have noticed there is no current reward for geting half blood bane points. I would like to suggest that maybe those points be applied to Protector of the Empire points. Or imabye it could unlock poison weapons or at least better weapons for lvl 10 ...


As a hunter when you kill a beast Elite you only get 1 sirlion. Since its an elite I think you should get more than that. Especialy when you don't get any drops from it. Its just a thought but I would like for that to happen.


Just as a thought I was thinking that maybe there could be different classes besides warrior. I mean I love the Witcher Pladin and Beserker thing. It makes things simple. But istead of makeing everyone a warrior why not have the option at lvl 10 or ...
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