
Replicants need summons. Fact. How can they possibly replicate players when a player can almost always out damage them AND summon 2 skellies and a dragon? For this reason the team with a replicant is nearly always at a disadvantage.

Admittedly, we wouldn't want them to summon every time when no one else does, which is why I suggest having them mirror the original character. Have the same dragon and skellies as they do, and summon them when they do. This would prevent a team becoming majorly outnumbered and disadvantaged because of a replicant, but also prevent there being summons when not necessary.

i think this is a wonderful idea. replicants are a major hinderance to those whose teams they are on. this would even up the odds
I absolutely agree with what Matt said there it is only fair
Matt makes a valid point, we would all appreciate your implementing this.
or give relics a lil more health
I agree, if there are 5 entries to arena then the team with the replicant has a max of 9 bodies against max 12. This is unfair. I think Matt's suggestion for a solution will definitely work.
I completely agree with the masses.
I agree in principle to this, in that replicants nearly always give a team a disadvantage. However, balancing this is going to take some thought. In the battle Matt is referring to, the rep was a rep of himself... that in itself means 2 of those big purple axes swinging at you, one with the rep boost damage (not nice).

Furthermore the battle was 35/30/30 vs 34/34/rep34 - giving the rep lvl 34 skellies would be too much of an advantage the other way.

Maybe a generic replicant of an appropriate level is the answer - so in this case Matt and partner would have been given a generic lvl 30 replicant with dragon and skellies relevant to that level.
I like the generic idea :) the balancing system often seems to panic when it has to make a replicant, and more often than not the thing designed to create balance, ruins it.
although a replicant is better than merely not having anything to fill the gap of an uneven team, i have to agree that an averaged replicant with level appropriate green gear whose level averages that of both teams. In Answindar's example, which would be the exception most of the time IMO, 1 team was 35/30/30 (95) vs 34/34/34 (102). Matt's team, to even the teams out should have been 34/34/29 (97) where the 28 would be the replicant (lowest level allowed in that particular bracket) with appropriate level 29 green gear, HP comensurate with 1 flawless endurance pot and 5 flawless life pots, 2 mid level skellies and a lvl 28 dragon. That's my take on it and i feel this would address both evening out the teams and making where a team with a replicant was not at a huge disadvantage.
i agree with completely with what everyone is saying...i always cringe when im on a team with a replicant
you kidden right ? they already have double the HP , and can do magic attacks , immagine a replicant sommun too with double the HP and ....... good luck with that lol
then ban dragons and skellies all together from arena battles, they don't add to your hp or valor in the end, and the skellies would not have douple hp, they should get only what they come out with. And come on Annunnaki, how many battles have you really been in where the rep won the fight for the team, they are almost always the first to die.
I don't think the real issue is that the replicant's can't summon skellies/dragons.. I think the problem is that everyone else can. They should just take skellies/dragons out of arena/bridges altogether. Replicant's can be an advantage or disadvantage depending on the circumstances. They have a ton of HP and often do more damage then the person they replicate. The problem is the system often-times doesn't replicate the right person to even it out properly (as JimmyJamm pointed out). I like the idea of having a generic replicant in the cases that replicating a person will uneven the levels.

Also, I really think they need to fix it so when someone's game crashes and they stop playing, they put that person on autopilot somehow, or replicate someone that's game has crashed... that would be awesome. I haven't had issues really with replicants, but HAVE had major issues with people crashing and being the only one on my team fighting which is totally unfair to me.
Also, I don't like the fact that your armor gets damaged in arena. I think a lot more people would do arena if they weren't afraid they'd end up on the losing team and die. Since a lot of the arena is out of your hands and random, it doesn't seem fair that your armor should get damaged when you're not fighting alone and you can't pick your team. The more people that play, the better odds that the teams will end up more and more even.
I think the thought, because they are allowed to use spells just as the original caster can. Maybe without a dragon, but definitely skeletons or something to get a body to body count closer.
CalyAlso, I don't like the fact that your armor gets damaged in arena. I think a lot more people would do arena if they weren't afraid they'd end up on the losing team and die. Since a lot of the arena is out of your hands and random, it doesn't seem fair that your armor should get damaged when you're not fighting alone and you can't pick your team. The more people that play, the better odds that the teams will end up more and more even.
The worst part about this is the tourney, forced to play with inactive gear.
Anunnaki1you kidden right ? they already have double the HP , and can do magic attacks , immagine a replicant sommun too with double the HP and ....... good luck with that lol

My replicant has about 2000 less health than I do with all my potions added up. They can only use one basic magic attack, and therefore lose any tactical advantage that comes from varying magic attacks or orb types. Combine this with the fact that they attack faster than a player would on average and they are almost always first to die, leaving one team outnumbered even before summons are involved. Throw summons in too and they become a major hindrance. The summons would not have double the health they would be regular summons.
Surely just glyph your replicant - the health returns are huge compared to glyphing a normal player. They are not too far off as things stand at my level (I'm actually happy to see them on my team) though as summons get more powerful and as belts get bigger (helping negate that glyph advantage) I can see it becoming more of a problem.

I'm amazed I've only ever once seen another player glyping a replicant.
Oh, adding to what I said - generic replicant would be a good solution and I'd be happy enough to see such a character with summons as described. As it is though a rep of a stronger player is a big difference to a rep of a weaker player.
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