
Replicants need summons. Fact. How can they possibly replicate players when a player can almost always out damage them AND summon 2 skellies and a dragon? For this reason the team with a replicant is nearly always at a disadvantage.

Admittedly, we wouldn't want them to summon every time when no one else does, which is why I suggest having them mirror the original character. Have the same dragon and skellies as they do, and summon them when they do. This would prevent a team becoming majorly outnumbered and disadvantaged because of a replicant, but also prevent there being summons when not necessary.

agreed. make it happen. have the replicant mimic it's master. the replicant only summons if the master does.
BerkZerkeragreed. make it happen. have the replicant mimic it's master. the replicant only summons if the master does.

i dont think that would work out best since that means the rep would only be able to summon if the master does. Beacause the rep is first to die i dont think the master would summon just for the fact that the rep would, however, the master would only summon at the right time and not for the sake of making the rep summon. On the other hand, i do like the fact that the reps should be able to summon drags and skellies also i appreciate the fact if my opposing team has a rep coz therfore i know i have a chance at winnig in the battle grounds lol.
I think this is a wonderful idea, i especially like the generic replicant one, would make odd numbered bridges sooo much more appealing.
i have seen replicants with magic attack ? that stunns you 3 times in a row and taking over 700+ from my HP , when you experiance that? then you will agree with me , now you are wrong about me my friend , i have been hacked and was shackled , yeas hacked , thats why i have been off for a whie from the renas , but now that iam back, however iam not saying we should bann them ? but @ least give the replicant equal charactaristics of such player representing even with full scale magic and battle melee attacks , now that? makes the game more excieting then say we can have them with summons too ;)
Matt Pheonix,
yours may be ? but i seen for example warwolf2 replicant with 5229 HP , and magic attack ? over 735 DP ( drain power ) let say you face 1 @ level 32 with per say 6000 HP and magic attack stunns you with 800+ DP then you know exactly what iam trying to explain , if they adjust shuch massive statistics in to same character behaviours ? add the sommuning ? that ? woud be wonderfull challenge and game excietment .
I'm gonna have to place my vote on a generic arena gladiator ... the game programming already pairs players up by some balancing system ... a generic arena gladiator with skeletars and a dragon (when appropriate for level) that more evenly balance the uneven teams would be better ... because when no one summons the replicant is a boon for the team it's on and when everyone does it's a definite bane ... and something a little more balanced would be nice ...

and once the change comes ... we'll all have something new to complain about ... hehe
indeeed lol
is anybody here who like my idea to simply take out replicas and let real people fight?
if arena says need at least 4 ppl then be it 4 and not 5 + replica ( or 7 + rep , 9 + rep)
and not allowing the fight to start if numbers are odd and less than 6
and if its higher than 6 make the highest even number for fight
(depending on joining time so the last one joined and made this magic number odd will be allways the first one in the next round, so like this nobody will drop over 2 or more times after another)

and of course im sharing the idea too of "no item damage in PvP"
i do think more ppl could and would go to PvP when they dont need to be afraid of
damaging they precious, hardly farmed gear while having fun in any kind of arena or even dueling ( BC )

How about taking into account players with belts when balancing arena and bridges pairing? A team with 2 players equiped with military belts against a team without a single player with a belt is almost always a loss for the beltless team.

Can't be that hard to had a factor into the programming of arenas and bridges to split equally the belt wearing players, when there are at least 2.

Not exactly relevant to the replicant thread, but I felt the need to mention it.

I agree with Matt's idea totally though.
lol the balancing players with skellie, and belts and dragon etc will not work. It is against game ideology to reward those who have worked hard for more power. Why would someone get miliatary belt, if their advantage was eliminated in an arena? Why work hard to get stronger skellie if it would be balanced out? Why upgrade dragon if that would be balanced out? No reason. The replicant however I think since it is for sake of balance, should have exact same stats,of the team with fewer players average. Simple mathematics (sum of stats/# of player) for each attribute. Then maybe since battlefield players are so unpredictable, sometimes many dont even bring skellies, skellies 0 to 2 < should be on a random generator. Dragon should replicate again average stat of dragons in team of lowest numbers.

thank you.
i forgot to to mention hp should be based on endurance + hp of all pots (based on average capacity of teams belts) + a handicap of maybe 15% for lack of strategic options/orbs etc. (vampire orbs will give 25% hp back for more damage, so 15% is fair handicap)
My opinion is that it will be better to just forgo replicants as it is difficult to find the right balance for everyone at each level. Let gamers decide on how and when it would be good for them to go into battlefield fight. By removing replicants, developer can just foucs on improving the game content and gaming interface. Removing replicant would also result in reduction to the server processing power.


only problem is .. they just cannot or even dont want to understand this...
everybody talking about modification, they dont see into it, they dont know until they try what is the next bug of replicant based on their idea..

nobody accept the fact that a real player cannot be compared to this replicant.. not talking about that when i was in need of replice it came only 2 times of the 4... nice.. :)

tho my replica once beat down a money-geared guy.. thats all the good part about all this replicant thing
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