
1. is there a reason why I am never able to attack first in any battle.

2. I keep getting kicked when i'm in a battle and end up losing when i get back in and end up having to pay for the repairs and would like to receive some kind of compensation...

Crtical Hit Trends

I know this isn't technically a bug or error but i don't know where else to post it. i'm now lvl 12 as a witcher and iv'e noticed that i only get a critical hit against a mob when they have very little health left. and also in fights with lower lvl m...

Game Issues

literally i have played now for about 2 days. i have reached lvl 10 and have noticed some issues that you should really deal with. Here they are:
-damage done to creatures that are lower lvl than attacker does not seem to change from when the player...


Soem drops seem impossible. In the Sinra collections there is a Knuckel-Duster. I have been playing for three weeks and can remember seeing only one in the auction or on the trade chat. With so many trying to get one when it does show up there is ...

Cost of having fun

I am concerned about the rising cost of Dragon Eternity. I love the game and spend more cash in the past month here that I have ever spend on any game and I feel a bit betrayed. First the cost for the Tavern buy-out is far too high. It takes 3 years ...


There should be more of a advantage for people who buy reals.

Adding a way to open a safe deposit box

I have been playing over the last few days and have realized there is now way to place items into a safe deposit box or someplace we can put things that we don't need or get to much of and want to put them way without taking up so much room in our ba...

dragon eternity

I think it would be cool if there was a quest called dragon destiny

need to fix

this game is good but is is need to be fix that way nore items can drop and not have reals and this game need to do more thing to the players like gold, selver, copper to old and new when they have account with the game this will make the game lot m...

tournament every six hours or just more often

i think the tournament should happen more often becouse i can only attend one a day and that's if enough people i understand that this game takes place in another time zone but a game played over the whole world it just be nice to have more chances t...

Collection Set Mods

I personally feel that a section should be added to the Collections tab. A part where people can collect items to make special pieces of gear. Like collect pieces of 3 types of mob and turn the collection in to a class specified person for a piece of...

Got my Reals



Dear Admin:
Please Help
Why they still reviewing my bank account?, I use my bank account when i need something to buy on the game, like now, the blue armors they cost for "reals", i been buying reals since i play this game, everytime i pay cash rea...

Clan Emotes.

I'm just thinking how cool it would be to be able to emote my clan logo in the chat ... maybe with a link to the clan info ...


the russian version of this game has the option of buying a non-specific amount of Reals. any way you guys could add that feature?
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