play new music on d.e radio

iam hearing much from the 1960s what about the rock music from now......

Mining areas

We need more mining areas to compete for to get lower items like coal and quartz

elite instances on map

Would be nice to have the elite instances locations marked on the common map.Thanks.

Knossos Canyon

why not make it that t can go both ways, to each square instead of just square of storms

Lvl 3 Clan

Been a long time now. Any updates as for when this will happen?

Altars in Clan Hall

There is a clan boost for the crafting professions but for only one resource profession and that is mining. Altars for the other 3 resource professions would be nice.

War Chat

If clans are at war, when war starts a new chat tab comes up and it lets you speak with people from each clan that are having the war

Simple enough suggestion

Don't listen to leviathens suggestions, appears the majority of suggestions made by this character is to make the game far too easy which just seems pointless if it isn't a challenge players will get bored and leave.

Hephoar the blacksmith

Why not have it that you can buy more weapons that are for general use, nothing special - slightly better than ones in shop

Just for you Surtus and Horned come troll now

Growing Times for crops

Just a thought but my gathering profession is farming and I wondered if you could introduce something for a fee (sigh) to hurry up growing times for some or all of the crops. Not all of us can run our lives around DragonEternity and sometimes having...

Clan Trade

it would be awesome if clans could trade with other clans to help both clans out with stuff they need

Skrag Caves

I would suggest lowering the difficulty a little bit. For 2 reasons mainly.

One: You get the ability to enter the instance at level 10, assuming you complete the quest. Once inside, you find you have to fight 5 level 14 elites with just under 11k ...

No Exp Suggestion

There Should Be A Day Called "Day of No Experience" Mixed With "Day Of Martial Vaalor" ONLY In Pvp So You Can Only Get Vaalor. But Outside Pvp You Can Level.

Search Function

There was a search function for the forum awhile back when I played before. Is it still there? I can't find it.

items in ah

there needs to be a limit on how many listings 1 player should be allowed to put in ah and not control all there for the essence's like radiohead is doing
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