Turn Off Heaven's Voice!!!!

I think that we should be able to turn off viewing the "system messages" under the tab preferences in chat...
if you agree then please comment on this thread (or whatever you guys do to like or something, this is the first time I have been in the fo...

Training Soldiers

So after you reach lvl 9 you get a new recurring quest, Training the troops, You go to your sides Academy and talk to the person there, he offers you to take part in the recurring quest. For this you will earn hero of the empire rep at 2 for every 45...

Suggestion for Elite Instances

Love the idea of making the Elites into instances, giving players easy access to them instead of sitting and waiting for them to reappear.

I feel that the navigation window is now too cluttered with areas. It gets complicated (especially for new p...

rearrange your spells

could something be added that you can change the order of your spell... for example my dot spells are fire, chaos, air... sense I do not use the chaos I would like to swap it with the air spot

Small Changes to New Instances

Can you guys make it to where you can pay the man to kill the lesser ones a SEPARATE fee from the giant's might scroll? plz consider

Duel Of truth

Can we please not have them at winery, i went to go to tavern to take out some pots to use, and before i could even click tavern i was in a fight


When crafting a Meat roll or something, it tells you before hand how much xp of the craft you will gain so maybe under where it says the items needed, there is a little sentence saying " after creating "item" you will receive 5 points of XP for said ...


When you catch a baest for example in the traps it shows what trapped instead of it always showing a burul

shiny areas

when moving around the locations there is a small percentage chance that there will be something shiny lying on the ground, if u click on this item u can receive an item whether it be 1 Elixir or a spark all the way to a weapon


The ability to upgrade say a green level 3 fury mark that is equipped to gear to a blue fury mark if you have resources rather then having to make it from scratch.

Image on Front Page near Top RightProfile

It is better if the image on the front page/profile is the same image of the player in the top left of the game interface to see his hairstyle and look instead of the general look

Barbershop in iPad

Plz add barber shop to iPad version

Should increase limit of retained offline private messages

I feel currently it's ineffective because profession messages always manage to push out pm and we miss them.

AH addition

have a new section where players can put up what they are looking for while offline, so it would work as follows

1. Player selects item they want and how many pieces
2. The player then selects a price he is willing to pay for them
3. If another ...

Lagging out in arena

So ive noticed more people are starting to lag out in arena or fights against other players. my suggestions is that if you do no damage in arena (likely to be caused by a lag out) that your items receive no damage
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