Simple enough suggestion

Don't listen to leviathens suggestions, appears the majority of suggestions made by this character is to make the game far too easy which just seems pointless if it isn't a challenge players will get bored and leave. ">">
I 2nd this motion. seems almost every suggestion here recently is from him and haven't seen any good ones. I like how challenging the game is and I don't want to see it become farmville like he seems to want it to be.
no, the section is made for making suggestions if u dont like them, i dont care , other games i have played have had stupid ideas and before you know it they introduce it which seems to be ok in the end, why have a suggestion page if u cant make suggestions?

Never said don't make suggestions, I just suggested not listening to you.
also the point of game getting boring - fighting same monsters 13 times just to complete a quest and u say that it isnt boring

That makes you work for it, you try and make the game far too easy which would in fact make it boring. I don't mind grinding every now and again if you don't, then don't do it.
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