Skrag Caves

I would suggest lowering the difficulty a little bit. For 2 reasons mainly.

One: You get the ability to enter the instance at level 10, assuming you complete the quest. Once inside, you find you have to fight 5 level 14 elites with just under 11k health. I agree that the caves should be difficult, but as it is now, a group of 5 level 14 players will not be able to kill even 1 of them. A group of 5 level 10s will get slaughtered. This is also in part due to the lack of better gear available.

Second: Reducing the difficulty would help alleviate the lack of gear. On this I would suggest there be 2 sets of rewards, a green set, and a blue set. The blue would still be harder to get, but with an added green set thats a bit easier to get would be nice, and would have the added benefit of not having to tweak the drop rate. Or even just lowering the difficulty and having a increased chance of green gear dropping would work.
you do know upon going through the skrag caves you get ridiculously amazing blue gear so of course it's going to be impossible :D
Unless I am just not seeing the red circle around them they are not elites. Just an amazing amount of health. Also a group of 4 lvl 14 and 1 lvl 13 almost beat one. So it is not impossible for a group of 5 (level 14). Especially considering that one of the group missed the first 12 rounds of the fight. All things considered though, unless the group rules are changed for instances there is no way any level 10 can win in there.
We finished first boss in the caves today. A group of 5 with 2 level 19 2 level 18 and myself level 17. We wiped a couple times. The game first sent 2 of us into a different fight instead of joining the original fight (first death). Then on last sentry the first wave of boss fight started and last sentry was still at 75% health. First attempt at boss we wiped at boss. 2nd attempt we won. Now the complaint I have is this. Since all the previous mobs drop NO LOOT for anyone the boss should drop loot for everyone. Loot dropped should at least be tradeable to other members of the group. Instead, 2 players got loot that they cannot even trade and the rest got nothing. Sure we got the manuscript for the quest. However, the reward for the quest should be a "red" item since it so unbelievably hard and costly to complete. The cost of health potions food for dragons and repairs to equipment exceeds the value of rewards by at least a factor of 100.
Hannibal, use power pots. dont need dragons. and a group of 5 12s could take on skrags and boss if scout and fight right

Loot isn't trade able as gear would be too easy to farm. The best idea for caves is to have a worthwhile group with good gear so there is zero repairs and to do multiple runs to hopefully receive a mixture of items to then distribute at the end.


You won't get blue gear dropping only relics to craft that gear otherwise that would reduce spending on game which admins don't want. Caves aren't meant to be easy I'd suggest just waiting till your a slightly higher level or have good gear and don't take anyone in group who can't hold their own in a fight.
Caves to hard? since when? its simple and easy if you know what to do, we can do it with 4 people no problem, 4 of us, 2 had dragons and skellies, 2 had nothing, all you need is an average of 850 health, at least green pots, basic if u have canvas belt :), our set up is 1 pally 1 zerk and 2 witchers have no problems whatsoever, and to sort loot, set group loot to master loot so u can decide who gets what loot
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