There Should Be A Day Called "Day of No Experience" Mixed With "Day Of Martial Vaalor" ONLY In Pvp So You Can Only Get Vaalor. But Outside Pvp You Can Level. ">
Christian Grey15
Agreed, i also would recommend a Day of half time, where all arena battles take only half the waiting time to compete I.E 7b is only 30 minutes as opposed to an hour wait! Definitely would like a no EXP day
Man of Life17
really? that would make the objective of valor and lvling stupid. think about things next time plz.
Surturs Fire50
agreed this is not a good idea. This would make the game way too easy. You are supposed to have to try and get enough valor and reps as you lv up. Those who cash, or those who take the slow less xp ways to get money benefit from getting better reps at the lower lv while keeping ranks up.
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