Mastery when leveling up a craft

I feel that it takes up way too much of our time to have to wait before a product is crafted, and so i feel that when we level up in our Mastery , the time it takes to complete a task should be cut down especially on levels that would be novice. Perhaps let us be able to create multiple of a product as we Master up as well, or one of or the other to just make our Real Lives a little easier lol ....cause when we have to fill a order in for a friend or a client ... this does actually take a chunk of our lives.
no it should take a long time to do, you cant expect to just be given things just cause you work, or simple solution buy reals and use the reals to instantly create the item
I somewhat agree with OP, but also with Squall Leonhart. It should take a while, but not so long. I suggest 500 mastery required to level up first, then decreased mastery requirements for all levels. For example, The only thing worth farming on the lowest level of mastery is lesser orbs of courage for the high damage boosts and stuff like meat rolls and fried fish. I understand that practice is necessary for a real world profession, but DE players do have lives, you know. Real lives like accounting and stuff. DE has enough frustrating features like substance collecting and rare drops, at least alleviate this one?

And also, buying reals shouldn't be necessitated. Spending money on a FREE game is for losers. Buy reals for added bonuses, but leveling up on a profession is for everybody. Let reals not be necessary for this.
Marcus the Wise,

Nemo Hemmingway,

It shouldn't be lowered the whole point of crafting is a way to make money with 0 experience gain, it isn't meant to be easy, a lot of money can be made of it certainly at the higher level crafting. And as for nemo saying this does actually take a chunk of our lives, you don't have to sit there watching the clock log out or do something else
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