Profession Mastery

Presuming that someone still reads that
I'm finding the profession mastery gain very wrong set. I'm around 100 points low from getting Hunter Mastery and each day I'm gaining less and less Mastery Points. I was answered that that's the game going as you closer you're getting lesser. Why?
In the real life when you practice a profession you're getting better in your game basically you're stating that the more you work you're performing worst and worst. Why can't you just maintain the same rate of getting Mastery points?
im guessing u are a hunter, but your lvl will depict how often u get mastery, for example as soon as u reach lvl 11 and are a hunter u receive less chance because every monster u fight is lower than u - which therefore means loot given and mastery chances are lower -- i think thats how it works
True for the traps but I'm using knife on my lvl or higher and still not getting as I used before.
if u are lvl 2 hunter you will need to buy the lvl 2 knife
Oh duh. That's my problem I'm not getting to lvl 2 Hunter as I'm not getting enough points. Hunted only high lvls prey got 2 points in 100 kills. And yes I know I can buy Experienced Collection items and complete for 500 mastery but ain't that rich.
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