2 tier sea battles

simple thing, is for 2 tiers of sea battles, 22 - 35 and 36 - 50, that way the lower lvls can actually compete in them, in the current format you have lvl 50s coming up against lvl 22s,23,24 and what not that stand no chance, just a slight alteration to make things a little fairer
this is a good idea in theory. but has been spoken about and shot down before. There are not enough people joining for this to be feasible and they would have to mess with the elixir that buffs everyones stats and that would cause a whole slew of problems for a long while most likely.. knowing how buggy this game can be already. Also with that buff lv doesn't matter gear does. I had a friend lv 27 who was top or least within top 5 every sea battle because he had good reps and full cash armor for lv. It merely is harder for low lv's to have good gears and reps. the only people who have issues are those who don't wait and take the time to have a soldier belt around lv 25.... so they have less pots. Which does make me wish that the corsair charm quest and seabattles required lv 25 to join but that is neither here nor there.
As a side note, I assume you are complaining about this because you have tried and not done well in seabattles. Yet you have don't have a canvas belt for an extra potion or even full green class armor for your lv to were you would least stand on par with some higher lv. You also have barely any pvp reps and being 2nd recruit at lv 22 implies you don't pvp much. So seeing all this of course you are going to lose vs lv 50's who have hundred of reals worth of purple lv armor or even someone with full class gear their lv.
hmm seems reasonable, but did you ever think that maybe more would go to sea battles knowing that they could compete
Squall Leonhart,

Bigger bracket is better due to them making levels equal and it depends on the quality of your gear, but I'd suggest not entering at all till you have soldier belt as it's hard to compete against those that do without it

On a side note looking at your gear you shouldn't really be joining anyway as you will need at least full green to do well, xp would be better spent in normal pvp or doing dailys with hop on.
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