Essence Farming Idea!

Ok. I don’t know if I’m the only person who has this problem or what so I figured I would post in here first. Essence/Essence farming is a huge part of this game and I happen to be one of those people with the attention span of a 2 year old child or a grasshopper (at least I can admit it right?). So why not make eyes that last 30 minutes and 1 hour in addition to the 2 hour eyes? Yes I know that you can just purchase a 2 hour one and only use it for half hour…. However if you’re a cheap A** like me, you won’t bother purchasing the eye because you know that you won’t get your money’s worth. I would love to hear other peoples thoughts on the idea thanks!
I agree. I'm a mom with a newborn and a 4yr old. Its IMPOSSIBLE for me to sit for two hours straight. A 30 min eye, or even a 1hr eye would be extremely beneficial to us all. I like this idea!!
Agree, would make sense to at least have a 1 hour one considering death eyes are 1 hours so you need to purchase two to match the element essence.
I agree whole heartedly. One hour is more than enough time to spend farming essence.
I agree as well. It's hard to obtain 2 straight hours of gaming time.
i like this idea, found it very boring having to do a 2hr eye
maybe one day there will be 1 hour eyes... till then... we're stuck with the 2 hour ones... which i cant do and has prevented me from being able to lvl up my dragon anymore... 2 hours of killing mobs over and over again is impossible for people with a young child... only time i get to play is the hour or so before my son wakes up in the morning and the hour or 2 after he goes to bed...
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