Gathering professions

Why do we need to gain experience from this? It's annoying. Especially if you're struggling in a new tier and you need professions to bring you back, only to find that all that farming made you level 50 with 1st recruit.

Auto claim

I would recommend the auto claim to be present on all quests..

Since I was unable to connect to the server for past 10minutes, i lost the chance to claim the last casket i worked for -> the ruthless fury quest was incomplete since I was trying to ...

Mines Again

I know this is posted quite a bit, but it getting stupid now.
We have 70+ 3k miners now, 6 months ago we had 1/3 of this, also we have over 100 3k Jewelers, and 100's of 3k+ cooks.
Ever other profession can grow as the players on the server grow in...

lack of valour

maybe make next 100 players to join game all valor the lack of them in every bracket is quite worrying just an idea they outnumber us too much atm and it shows due to the lack of sb going and also dot is so 1 sided wud re balance game bk out cuz atm ...

Mount weapon

Make the immunity to mount weapon attacks on you 6 rounds instead of 2 so you cant get mount weapon attacked by 10 different people, or make it so you can only mount weapon attack the person in front of you....

Clan Hall Busting Sphere

Wars are getting painfully boring with entire clans hiding in their halls, I suggest you give us a “clan hall busting” sphere that locks a warring clans, clan hall so they cannot hide. This way we can force clans to either surrender early or fight.

New Sea Battle Quest Idea.

Would be good to have a SB quest or event, where it was a group vrs NPC, so players could learn SB.
Also a < level 25 sea battle for players without Soldier belts for them to learn.

Merge all the servers!

Less bs, less hassles and only 1 place for the techs to fix when the game screws up. Open it to all languages.

Make insignia key redeemable whenever

no harm in doing this

And also, I have school and sports practice during the week, and the quest expired before I could get key. Now I need to wait a whole week since I'm in school during insignia event. It's stupid

Auto Attacking mobs

I find quite often now, if you click on a mob by mistake to move the screen, then click on the mine it will attack the mob as if you double clicked the mob.
This is a pain if its an elite or a 20+ levels above your level.

Shortcut Keys

I came to know there are shortcut keys available only for Defence, Attack & Magic Stance like Number 1,2,3.. It would be good and handful for certain players (may be not all) if the shortcut keys are added for Summoning dragons, Skellies etc..

2 Stage Incidents!

I think that 2 stage incidents either the boss should have lower health no sentrys or even if you lose you get insignias due to the fact that anyone below level 22 bracket has no chance as they are too strong so please do something about this ty :D

Invincible Warrior Tourney

please make the tournament happen on weekends simply because players are more likely to be on during weekends and the minimal entry requirements are more likely to be filled

Battle queues

Can we get something done about battle queues please. getting sick of idiots in q e.g. sea battle where we have 5v5, then literally at last second someone drops on purpose. Costs all the other players buffs (who chose to do so).
My recommendation wo...

More Dragons

the game is called dragon eternity right!? so why has it got so little to do with dragons apart from the fact that we have a pet that we barely use( in my bracket anyway) and the only 2 dragons which you can fight are either too low lv for you and yo...
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