Random Picky Bug Thing

Ok so in the battle screen you can see the hp and mana of all characters right? Sometimes when someone I am not fighting gets hit this bar will drop right the way down so their mana is empty and their hp has a tiny bit left. Its only momentary and it...

Essence drop bug

The description on the various dragon eyes say that every 100 mana spent from the required element, you'll get 1 essence.
I'm currently farming Essence of Order, using mostly Hammer of Order II, which costs 100 mana.
with the doubling effect from t...

Error with Balms

I've noticed that when you use any of the Balms, the extra health you get gets taken away at the beginning of battle. Example, I could have 659 health with a balm that gives +10 vitality, but when I enter battle my health goes down to 649.

minor balms

so far every minor balm i have brought wether life or strength adds on my extra health but when i get into a fight it disappears again so i appear to be wasting 6 silver every time i buy one

clan page

is there going to be a clan 'page' that we can see/set rules on?

Magic Mastery

I cannot master level II Order. No matter how many times I cast I get no mastery points. Once I leveled up water and air they gain a point 8 of 10 casts until the bar is almost full. I did notice that instead of showing Order II mastery though it sho...


The item Ruby Tear of Dragon in the library the text is in a different language "Владея этим предметом и внося единовременно более 5 реалов на свой счет, вы получите дополнительные 30% к положенной сумме. Сразу после внесения денег волшебный кристалл...

Bronze vs. Copper

I assisted in a fight today against an Elite Sore Grohl in Winery Crossroads. At the end of the fight my reward were experience and coins comparable to my effectiveness in the fight. When I moused over the coins which I received as a reward I saw t...

2 mistake with lang

1. Collection - Коллекция неусыпных стражей
2. Character - Вместимость фиолара

Error Authenticating

i keep getting this error authenticating message when i try to log in through facebook, can you help me please?

Live Test Subjects

Told to battle Wandering Cadavers in Outskirts of Sadar City, but mobs are Shambling Dead

Voucher for Grohl Pelts

I need a voucher for Grohl Pelts and it will not let me accept the quest... any suggestions?

Profile Picture

When trying to change profile picture it comes up with an error screen with no message, although there is a space that looks as though it should have a message in it.


the balm in game don't seem to be working outside of battle it shows on hp but in a fight you have 655/712 hp have the increase but not the health

Script Error

I found a Script Error in ( Eldiren's FarmStead )
When i cllicked on the ( Spirit Of The Knight Bildar )What he says to you is still in ( Russian Script ), but the Leave on the Bottom is in( English ).
I have a Screen Shot of it if you need it just...
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