Game updates!

Brave warriors!
We began to notice that battles in the Arena of Honor with the summoned warriors of Empires did not bring the proper amount of Valor and Money. It's time to change that.
From today, the following changes come into force:
As before...

Game updates!

Greetings, gallant defenders of Tart!
As always, the update will bring you a number of surprises. We hope you won't be disappointed with the fixes and innovations.
1. The emperors of both empires issued a decree, according to which Skvaliga Bron de...

Game updates!

Changes to the reward from the Chest of Heroes!
Dear players, from now on, when you open a reward chest using a reward key, you are guaranteed to receive the following items:
1. Random food blue (green for players below level 28), quality according...

Game updates

Valorous Defenders of Tart! Today's change again concerns our faithful companions - the Dragons:
1. Dragons began to spend their mana more rationally, if suddenly they accumulate it to the limit, the chance that the Dragon wants to punch will be neg...

Game updates

Octagon now transferable!
If you don't want to use it, you can sell it to other players for a reasonable price.

Changes to summoned Machinoids!
Machineoids pitted against other players have undergone a number of changes:
• all machine...

Game updates

Changes in payment systems
We, together with our partner Xsolla, strive to conduct our business in accordance with international regulations and safety protocols. We have prepared an update that fully complies with the Payment Services Directive (PS...

Week of Battle Steel and other updates

Greetings and salutations, noble Dragon knights!

First and foremost, we’d like to announce that today starts the Week of Battle Steel. The event will begin at 12:00 and will last until 12:00 next Monday.
We want to give you an addition...

Recent updates and news

Greetings, valiant dragon knights!
Here is a list of things that had been done and things to expect:
• Maze of Eternity will be available at interval of 3 hours instead of two times a day. So players from any region of the world can par...

Battleground changes

Greetings and salutations, valiant Dragon knights!

Today we're going to talk about the two big improvements we've made in the past month.
• First one is merging player groups for the Ruins of the Lost Capital battleground. From now on, you w...

Winds of Change

Hello, folks! It seems Christmas has come a bit early this year. Today, we have an important announcement for you: the one thing you were waiting for is finally here!

We are raising the level cap to 90!
So, here’s a small list of important...

Latest changes in the game

Greetings, dear players! We've been busy these last few weeks. Now it's time to tell you all about the latest changes we've made!

• First of all, we've changed the logic of Hero of the Archipelago and Defender of the Archipelago quests. ...

Hero of the Archipelago and Protector of the Archipelago Quests Have Been Updated!

The world is changing, as well as the paths and destinies of the heroes in the world of Dragons. Like it or not, all Tartu is living in interesting times. Today's changes affected the Hero of the Archipelago and Protector of the Archipelago quests. F...

The Roaming Archipelago Returns

As you know, following the unbelievable disasters that hit the world of the Dragons, the Roaming Archipelago disappeared into the depths of the sea. The wise believed these islands world never see the light of the sun again, but not long ago, an amaz...

More changes! Combat events

Changes rule in the world of Dragons. These have affected the most famous combat events in which the greatest warriors of Adan could display the wonders of courage, valor and skill before their fellow fighters and the whole world. By a twis...

New Location: The Wedding Garden

There are many different ways to celebrate weddings. On this day, some lovers want nothing more than to be all on their own, while the others are eager for all their friends and family to join them for a joyous party. In the world of Dragons, those w...
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