Drop Rate

i have been playing this game almost from the beginning and i love it. i have noticed that the drop rate has seemed to desrease lately. I'm noot sure if this is by design or my luck has just crashed. i have become so frustrated that i am thinking abo...

Day One

DEAR Admins;

In almost any ten minutes of my playing, I see players who can't get beyond the first step, because you don't have enough introductory instructions. You need to give enough help to carry them to being able to get outside. At one poi...

profession mastery

how is it that I can make skilds to skilds fellets and get 7 cooking mastery but only get 1 jewery mastery when I make end bottle... there should be a set equasion or chart of using res to profession exp gain... example: use 15 res and gain 1 exp...


when i started playing this game i thought the 2 factions were in a bitter war, or something along the lines of that. i was hoping to see a battle grounds feature where the factions would collide in wars. The wars would be temporary and lasts a short...

Change of factions

Hi Hideki

I have read in places that there maybe a update where you can pay reals to change factions is this the case if not is there anything in the future pipeline where we will be allowed to marry someone from a different faction got a romeo an...

Rule Changes

1) Make this a game - not an office where the boss instruct on what has to be done and what not!
2) Make this a game for players who want to play - not by constraining players by rules just because u want the rule to be there to ban the bad guys, wh...

All the updates are pushing ppl to buy reals

1. Potions and orbs for pvp are double priced with gold but real$ price are down. 1 real1 gold
2. Blue set from relics now need $ to combine, and u guys make us easy to get relic now.
3. Rank armor in shop has $ set now. dragon has blue $ set. and ...

saint paty day

have something involving the day with a wine yard owner giving free drinks out on this day to celebrate something his ancestor did during the 'war' as in giving drinks to those on both sides to easy tensions and bring a battle to a close sooner...

Choice between pvp and just hunting questing

Make it an option for those that dont want 10 levels higher jumping them. Some battle games make that an option.

Dear Admins

This game would make a lot of money but whats really missing and would also get people to paypal to this game is sound not music but sound as in battle when you hit and get hit each monster sould have there own sound when it hit get hits and when it ...

better weapons and more of them

the selection of weapons and armor for lower level players is nice but after 10th level or so, needs more to them, between level 6 and i believe level 30 something there is nothing! A fix is defiantly needed. Thanks

ip address problem

there are a lot of parents on here whose teens want to play as well but cant because of the ip problem, and both accounts may end up being banned.
i am there fore suggesting that the computers in that house each have their own passcode to get onto t...

Spectator mode.

I think it would be great to have a spectator mode add to an update.
Where we could bring up the battle screen then click to watch a fight.
A button like the one to join a fight.

Spell 'Reflection' is not really accurate.

I know it's been said before, but it still needs fixing in my opinion. Magic is not "Reflected" as the attacker does not get damaged in any way. What actually happens is a "Deflection" - all damage to the defender is avoided.

Careers tab

some of the missions stuff is very hard to figure out~??? as of right now Im at the 11th Lvl & 3 of the 4 missions i have, i cant do and the one tells me to go to the Careers Tab to start my Bots but i can not find this Careers Tab, please help, and ...
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