tournament every six hours or just more often

i think the tournament should happen more often becouse i can only attend one a day and that's if enough people i understand that this game takes place in another time zone but a game played over the whole world it just be nice to have more chances to do it

Lucky you to get in once per day - I'm in the timezone the server is set in, and the tournament is at 10am & 6pm. Guess what, I'm at work (or travelling) for 5 days a week at those times.

If nothing else, the tournament times should be varied from day to day to give everyone a fair chance.
yeah like ever 5 hours so its always different everyday give u more chance to get in i get to play like 3 or 4 time a week and i don"t travel i feel bad for u and i was upset.
Add 1-3 hours to the timetable each day - that way you can either (a) find the times most players can play or (b) give us all a chance to play when it suits us.
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