Crtical Hit Trends

I know this isn't technically a bug or error but i don't know where else to post it. i'm now lvl 12 as a witcher and iv'e noticed that i only get a critical hit against a mob when they have very little health left. and also in fights with lower lvl mobs (8-10) when there normal hits are about 6o damage per hit i will get get crited about half the time i have 100-150 health. i'm fighting lower lvl mobs because i cant afford the potions to fight at my lvl just yet and i'm trying to get some coin but in every fight i still die because they crit way to often i can never get a crit unless it wouldn't matter. now im sitting with 2 broke peices of equipment because i cant afford to repair them and even the lvl 8 mobs can kill me so unless i spend the next 2 day killing lvl 5s thers no way i can get back in the game. can something be done in the script about the frequency of critical hits?
totally agree. And mobs do more critically based on your equipment. Better equipment? Mobs get stronger and break it! It's a frustrating circle...
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