Game Issues

literally i have played now for about 2 days. i have reached lvl 10 and have noticed some issues that you should really deal with. Here they are:
-damage done to creatures that are lower lvl than attacker does not seem to change from when the player was at the same or even below the lvl of the creature. same goes for damage the creatures do to the player. this is an issue of defense and attack power for weapons and armor.
-weapons and armor that are unlocked should be available in the shop after unlocking, this is common game practice.
-in game money is not nearly at a fair enough rate for anyone to fully play this game. as for reals at this point i will not comment on them cause i have not found any reason to pay to play this game. i have other games on Face Book that i have payed out money to and got more satisfaction out of it.
-item drop rates and quantities could be a little better but so far not bad.
-arena battles could be a bit fairer. having a player lvl 9 against a lvl 15 is not in anyway fair. an even lvl vs lvl or no more than 1 lvl between fighters is fair.

don't get me wrong i have enjoyed playing this game but if it is going to continue to treat non-paying players unfairly like MOST games do i will not ever recommend this game to anyone. upon starting this game i noticed that there were actual in game moderators (Guardians) which immediately got my attention. i actually went to apply but sadly i was not lvl 15.
it is your job to keep people playing, not just bring in new players but keep the ones you have. make it fair for all Please and Thank you.
Lord Radas
I have also notice that lower level creatures are unfairly balanced to the character. Things that were hard to kill at level 4 are still kicking my but at level 12! lol. They seem to do more damage to you when you have more powerful equipment. So whats the point? Example, my weapon broke and I could not fix it (because you cannot accumulate enough cash to keep up). So I fought without a weapon. Suddenly, creatures that were doing massive damage to me while I had the weapon were doing less damage because my stats fell. I have never seen this in a game before. Creatures stats should not change based on what I equip...
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