Training Soldiers

So after you reach lvl 9 you get a new recurring quest, Training the troops, You go to your sides Academy and talk to the person there, he offers you to take part in the recurring quest. For this you will earn hero of the empire rep at 2 for every 45 mins, 5 for every 2hrs, 10 for every 6hrs, when you accept this quest a new location come available in the Academy for you to fight 3/5/7 (dependent on how often you chose to do it) where you will " train " soldiers to fight by fighting them together. the lvl you fight will always be 1 lvl lower than your current lvl
this would make the rep just like protector. since the items and bonuses from hero rep are much stronger doing something like this makes no sense. the reason it is harder to get hero rep is because it is basically the opposite of bc rep... the most expensive rep in the game. I don't want the game to become cookie cutter. where you just do the same thing to get every rep up that is boring.
yeah , Surturs is right, get real mate.
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