A new Character

A NPC person that you can go to - this character will have the abiltiy to swap/change an orb to a different type of orb i.e

1 simple of of strength for 1 simple orb of vampirism

Also he can upgrade them

2 simple orbs of strength for a power...


so we know that you can convert reals into gold, but how about it working in the opposite fashion where you can change gold into reals

Sphere of Insolence

Sphere of Insolence - can this be implemented for non-real players - so that we can buy using gold?

Stars of discovery

can a countdown timer be implemented into game screen counting down the next time for available use ty for your time :)

A Price on His Head!!!!!

Bounty Hunters! I think we should get a notice board at xroads where you can place a bounty on any characters head! Example: First person to hit _____ with a purple curse gets 3g, first person to hit_____ with an orange curse gets 5g etc. pay the gam...

FB page bonus

maybe once a week or so - you offer prizes - nothing special maybe only like 10silver or a common item

so it would work like so

Short on money click this link for 10 silver for free - (inset link)

of course though you can add other things c...

Forum search

Will the forum search option be brought back soon?

restart characters more fast

suggestion : put in setting a function to restart the character or delete the account. Thx

why is there a cap on valor rank.?

I'm level 15 and spent a lot of money during the Day of Martial valor and earned my recruit of 3rd blood, so now i have to wait until i get to level 19 just to be able to earn more valor??? just doing quests gets boring after a while and most people ...

Trade Rules needs a tweak

3. Twinking for profit: donating items, resources, and game currency from the secondary characters, through trade or auction. Twinking is also in violation of the general game rules as it requires the registration and playing with more than one chara...

Mount Naming... (Great Suggestion)

You Should Change It And Be Able To Name Your Mount Like You Name Your Dragon. Please Change It..That Would Be Cool.(black_beer)


an option to look up the charectors name to see wat they are selling specicly would be cool.

new server

you should make a server for the latinos and people who speak spanish. it's not fair that they can't speak their native language

Brilliant Idea AH related

An Option to Put up Trades for Trades.

Example: I have doubles of an Exp Prot Collection Piece, and need one other, Can't be on Trade Channel All Day and Night when Someone Has my specific Piece wanted.
. In AH I put up my item, and a Lis...

Cave Drops..Since Update...

Since Update The Drops In Cave Been Bogus.... I used to Get Loads Of Items And I Likes It That Way....Now Im Lucky To Get 1 Relics In Caves....Even If Im A Low Level...I Can barley Craft My gear because Of this....And If I try to buy Relics from luck...
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