Suggestion for Elite Instances

Love the idea of making the Elites into instances, giving players easy access to them instead of sitting and waiting for them to reappear.

I feel that the navigation window is now too cluttered with areas. It gets complicated (especially for new players) to navigate from one area to another one. Here is my suggestion :

- Give the instances a different color in the navigation window in order to make it easier to differentiate. Giving it another color will help when moving around. Especially during Clan Wars where you run around the map a lot in order to gather crystals. An example would be to keep the same color for the areas such as Eldiren's Farmstead, Crystal Meadows, etc. but give the Elite Instance areas a darker shade of green.

Input or comments would be appreciate by players and admins!
well shops are blue like tavern or defenders of adan store, locations are green so why not make instances orange/red just seems to carry n with colour classes as well lol
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