Turn Off Heaven's Voice!!!!

I think that we should be able to turn off viewing the "system messages" under the tab preferences in chat...
if you agree then please comment on this thread (or whatever you guys do to like or something, this is the first time I have been in the forum.)
I totally agree. Or at least keep it out of the main chat. I already know what I just did, and it is annoying when trying to follow conversations as you play.
click on the main tab and unselect things you dont want to know such as, battle results and what not
Squall Leonhartclick on the main tab and unselect things you dont want to know such as, battle results and what not
they are asking to shut it off because you can't in the options... it is greyed out and unselectable. I have tried many times. I also am sick of hearing heaven telling me about things I know by heart now and would like the option to turn it off.
make a separate box for it
its like fingernails on a chalk board annoying
Allow us the option to turn this off please!
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