
Right,, so the russian server has it, can we please just have this.. everyone wants it lol we know itll make pandor stronger but it will make more of us stronger too.
I would say make a vote or reply to this to show how many people actually want it...

Garuug Event

So do we definatly have this or is it that we "could" have it?


ruins its a dead event can u guys work on it ?? like bots or something ?? some players wait on queue but left on last seconds and thats very annoying .

Battle Master quest

Any chance we can have a 'QUIT QUEST' button like the arena ones for Master Devian. I've been stuck on 4 out of 5 lethal blows for months, the only times that I can get on at the moment, there is no one to fight. Even if only renews once a day it wou...

Anniversary Event

So thank you that its finally here... but anyone under level 22 can't complete the quest for orange casket as we cant do ruins and 7b seemingly doesnt count

bag with queue sb

16:00 Heaven's Voice: Unfortunately, there weren't enough entries to start battle. Please wait for the next battle.
in line was 20 ppl , 1 person left the queue and became 19
the sea began 5 vs 5 , and 9 ppl left behind
question: why not 9x9 an...

Gear Damage

04:49 Heaven's Voice: Durability of your items has been reduced: Magnificent Ring of Strife -1 (3/37), Horn of Berserk Messire -1 (3/30).

Sorry to be that person ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Wraith sphere removed when you get on a ship at harbor?

Is this a bug or intentional?

I used the Wraith Sphere at harbor, was wraithed, then stepped on a ship and became visible.

gear damage

it is possible that on wars we start not gueting gear damage ? because for us littles its a issue ,most of times we fight against bigs and we get our gear broken on end of wars . please try to help us . TY

Garuug anniversary event

Are we having this?
Isn’t it supposed to be in March?

in terra start dirthday adan

Event in terra - Echo of the ancient wars , 3 days , 3 easy ques for 1 orange casket , 3 day , 3 chest)
8 apryl - 14 apryl - league of eternity ... it's a fairy tale for all players
after garrug event .
4-15 apryl equipment does not break in pvp


Hello from the grave

IL history

22:05 H E L C A R T » ant1985: ancient spectre? why u no take il back ?
22:06 ant1985 » H E L C A R T: been sold to 9th
22:07 ant1985 » H E L C A R T: but kat has said i can use this as my clan
I made the clan active again, was I punished...

Protecting your clan crowns

I am so sick of being dragged in the forum for misunderstandings, so I'm going to post this myself publicly before someone else decides to twist and turn it into a bad thing.

I have started (and will continue) to build alts to keep my clans safe....

What are the current exchange rates for DE?

US dollar = 1 real

British Pound ____ = 1 real

Euro ______ = 1 real

Russian Ruble ____ = 1 real

I ask because before in Aer, those that bought with dollars, ended up paying 50% more than the Russian players. I don't feel that is fair.
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