New Class Weapons and Role Diversity

What I'm suggesting is to add a bigger variety of weapons for each class. I think adding different weapons like a spear for a Pali (more damage as 2 handed, etc.) would make it a lot more interesting and add more diversity in each role. Would be nice...

BC, wraiths and all this stuff

Well, actually almost 90% people that I asked don't like the wraith idea. So i have suggestion (actually 3 options)

1) Just remove an option for PvP when there is level diff 3 for example
2) Just remove an option for PvP when you're invisible

Entering Battlegrounds

im digging the 1 minute warning but if you dont click confirm i believe it should boot you out to prevent people being away from their computer and getting killed and causing angry teammates

Winery Movement Box

Is there any way to move the movement box in winery up a little bit a i can see pvp times and access shop ect ect

Bone Crushers

I was recently the victim of a rather discourteous and unprovoked attack by a fellow player using a Bone Crusher item, or something to the effect of battling any player(except Guardians, for some reason). But the best part about it was just how unfa...

Ban the use of Wraiths in Battle such as AOH , & 7 Bridges and Tourniments

Using the Wraith in these battle is totally unfair and should be banned asap.Why you might ask? , it is impossible to win and ruins the fun of these events.I consider it Cheating and refuse to display such poor sportsmanship.

Group loot suggestion

When fighting in groups the loot suggestions make sense when you're all against one monster (e.g. Elite) but when members go off and fight on their own it would be nice to have a setting that just gave their drops straight to them. So the idea i...

BoneCrush of Silence option.

I would like ( and I am sure many others will agree) to see an option added to BoneCrush where you have the choice of either cursing the recipient or cursing him/her with an hour of silence. I bet it would increase the sale of Spheres through the r...

Guardians On Duty

At times it is confusing as to which guardian is actually on duty, I think it would help greatly if they could have a different color chat while they are on duty. This would help the people see when they are answering their questions and also help th...


I thing it would be good to receive (in in small amounts) valor pts when you fight agains mobs of equal or higer lv. It is do hard to win in the AOH or at the bridges and we get so few points and the points we receive do not offset the damage we get...

instant travel to duels

I understand the y of moving people back to their home cities but when you die sometime it take 10-15 minutes to get the travel en again to get back to the duels. I think there should be a transport of some kind to bring duel participants right back ...

Cost of Repairs

I would like to suggest lowering the cost of repairs on items. It is insanely expensive to repair stuff when we get rewarded with so little money from creatures and quests. It seems that those who pay for gold etc are at a huge advantage.
Please mak...


Are there any orbs that raise mana restoration, if not there should be or some other item

Small Tweaks

1. A very very small increase in drop rate percentage, at least in the earlier on stages of the game, even like a 1% increase would suffice and make drops not seem as ghostlike. Or change the formula to the drops to set percentages that don't suffer ...

overly intensive guardians and new chat request

i am tired of all the nanny rules and overly sensitive rule enforcement can we have a new server or chat channel for people who use common sense call it the 18+ channel or something constant spam or curseing still dissalowed but casual use ...
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