Small Tweaks

1. A very very small increase in drop rate percentage, at least in the earlier on stages of the game, even like a 1% increase would suffice and make drops not seem as ghostlike. Or change the formula to the drops to set percentages that don't suffer level penalties, this is counteracted by making sure mobs have certain drop sets so there's no way to truly exploit it. I'm all for difficult and the sense of earning said drops, but I'm just suggesting a small boost that won't impact it too much.
2. Mob Difficulty, you might need to tweak some of the monsters at the rate things are going at the moment. I'm not sure if they're ratioed or set on certain gear or stats, but the Caves says its a level 10 instance and a group of level 20+ can't even beat the 2nd of 5 bosses? There's a slight balance issue here, just a slight one that might need to be looked into or considered with a bit of a tweak.
3. Spell Upgrade requirements, the main elements are fine Earth for Witcher etc with their current ratios. But the other 2 schools take 10-15 times more ingredients just for the same upgrade. My point is make them difficult to learn not impossible to learn. Change the amount necessary to 3-5 times the main amount and it will feel way more manageable. Example, Subterrenean Fury II takes about 9 Sparks of Inception 17 Earth Essences and 1 Buyable Item. Whip Of Chaos II and Wave II take 115ish Sparks of inception 100+ essences and 1 Buyable item. In direct comparison the difficulty to learn is a bit too extreme with these ratios, just slash them a bit to still make it tough but reasonable.

Bottom Line: I am proposing SMALL tweaks noticeable yet unnoticeable at the same time, Aka make the game difficult but not ridiculously impossible or strenuous, it should be enjoyable but still have that feeling you earned it. So just a bit more balanced.

I understand the game is called Dragon Eternity, but make backend of the game content an eternity to acquire not the beginning, as it will transition new players into the game and keep them around. Like level cap is currently 60 if theres a full set of level 60 red colored gear in example, make it hard as heck to acquire but not impossible.

PS. Is the gold system going to stay the way as is or will that be considered as well? The way it currently is set up, the amount of gold required for purchasing most things compared to earned gold is way off scale, and buying reals just doesn't feel worth it completely. And later on at 25+ gold a pop for 1 piece of something here and there, makes it feel like you're only targeting people that will donate instead of a compromised medium?

Again these are just suggestions/proposals from actual observations and feedback of discussions with other players I have spoken to. I request that people don't flame or knock down these suggestions in an unsuiting manner, it is ok to disagree but please do so respectfully. I would also like reasoning behind disagreements as I put in some solid thought and basis behind to why these proposals should be changed to what I listed. I'm looking for compromises here not to make the play experience ridiculously easy by any means, but keep it challenging while still drawing in the most important thing for any game which is a constant flow of new players, and keeping older ones as well. Thank you.
Probably not gonna happen (wtf)
1. I ALMOST agree with you on this point but here's the caveat- Increasing the drop rate of Items (not consumables) by even one percent would yield a flooding of the market with goods. Look at it like this- say every 100 creatures you kill now, you get 1 item to drop. Increase the drop rate by 1% and you will see 2 items drop. Doesn't sound like much, right? Except that you don't just kill 100 creatures in a day. Some days you will kill 3-4 hundred. So you have now increased your item intake by 3-4 items per day. Still doesn't sound too bad, right? Now imagine everyone does this. Say one out of 3 items are useful to the player, and you will see an AH influx of goods like crazy. This will devalue the goods IN the AH (or they won't sell), and will allow anyone with a few Reals to basically have the same gear as someone who spent the time to earn it.

2. I agree with you that they need to look at the way they claim the appropriate levels for things. Item levels, Instance Levels- that should be reviewed. However, I don't stand with the idea of making things easier, just properly marked. Caves should say level 16 w/ Dragon, because you can't really do that with less. That being said, Caves SHOULD also say Level 16 w/ Dragon to Level 35. Because you will encounter everything in the middle. The second boss is doable if your group knows the strategy, is properly geared, and has the proper consumables at level 20. At level 24, it's possible to get up to and kill the level 26 3rd boss. And the Level 30 Dragon at the end? Also doable at level 24 if your group is well geared and has a couple of slightly higher levels with them. So bottom line: Fix the sign at the entrance to read the appropriate level, but don't change the mobs.

3. I agree with you to an extent on point number 3 as well- obviously the game designers wanted the players to have easy access to their classes signature spell(s), and made them easy to aquire. The spells shared by other classes, however, tend to have a pretty profound impact on combat- by healing the user in some way. If these spells are easily aquired, your parent spell becomes useless. Why throw damage when you can throw damage AND heal, right? If the Parent spells do appreciably more damage, they find themselves religated to special circumstances where burst damage is king, and certain "burn them down" play styles.

As it stands, the number of Sparks of Inception you need to level all your spells to rank 3 is monsterous. No player is capable of farming those sparks that long before they level out of the mobs that drop them. You can, of course, go back and farm the older mobs, but the drop rate is terrible. I did a whole suggestion post about the possibility of Spark Conversion- because Sparks of Inception have a higher value than their higher level counterparts. Bottom Line: you CAN get enough sparks to advance- but can you get the RIGHT sparks to advance?

Oh, and as to the gold issue- As you level, mobs drop more and more coins. At my level, it's roughly 4 silver per mob. 25 mobs = 1 gold. 250 mobs = 10G + approximately 2 to 3 drops that I can sell as well. Reals are nice for instant gratification, but not necessary in the grand scheme of things until you decide to start making or purchasing Blue quality items.

BTW: any changes to the difficulty of the game, if they are even remotely noticable, will draw in new players and alienate the players who had to work doubly hard to achieve their current status.

I hope this was the sort of post you were looking for. I can see where your ideas come from, and quite honestly I like your enthusiasm regarding the difficulty level. I'm not saying I disagree with everything you said, just wanted to point out the impact.
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