Cost of Repairs

I would like to suggest lowering the cost of repairs on items. It is insanely expensive to repair stuff when we get rewarded with so little money from creatures and quests. It seems that those who pay for gold etc are at a huge advantage.
Please make it so that those of us who cant afford to pay real money can continue to play without it becoming a monotonous farm-fest to try and raise mney.
100% agreed. It's too costly to repair stuff all the time and then get little to no money from monsters and quests. What little we do make gets spent almost as soon as it's in our pockets on repairs mostly. Then, IF we have any leftover, we spend it on other needs.
It hasn't even been mentioned about the slow Dilapidation of the equipment that results in our having to repair the equipment even sooner. lets take the first Skelly foliar that we can buy for 5 gold. when it is broken the thing costs 1 gold for a top notch repair. But wait, if i sell the thing back to the shop it will only give me 50 silver back for it. I'm sorry but the makers are getting far too greedy with every little thing adding up here and there and everywhere.

Of all the many upon many browser based games out there on the web this one has become something completely awesome and is actually worth playing. the amount of people that are following this is amazing, to say the least. But with the release of the clan taxation added on top of all of the rest of the costs to continue playing... mixed in with the low drop rate.(which is fine the way it is. DO NOT CHANGE IT) and then the terrible buy back amounts from the shop. its just too much. your expecting us to shell out ten more gold every month?? I thought that's what gold was required for with the clan creation??? 15g from the leader and 1g for each and every person that joins. and the clan doesn't receive any of this game currency. (and we were ok with that, we had an understanding that the game costs money to make. and that one gold=one reals.) but when i think of how i have already invested around $150 dollars into this game so far, and the cost keeps going up and up and up. I won't be putting in anything else from this point on until, whoever it is that's pushing this Player/cost abusive policy garbage, pulls their head out of their ass to see that when you back-stab your fan base with stupidity and obvious greed, you don't get it back. then all that has been accomplished is what we all have seen time, after time. Another Great game lost to someone trying to squeeze everything out of it as fast as they can.

alright I'm done with my rant. for everybody's sakes i hope you listen and do something smart about it.

The clan tax is 10 gold per month, yes. Consider a clan with 30 members and each clannie needs to pay 33.3 silvers per month to make it an equal share for all. That's about 1.1 silvers per day. Not too hard to pay.

The clan tax is not that bad.

I just hope the game designers will consider making a vault or something similar. Clan leaders will need to run after membrs every 30 days to get the payments and that gets really complicated if you consider different playing times and different time zones.

Pssstt...we need a vault. lol
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