BC, wraiths and all this stuff

Well, actually almost 90% people that I asked don't like the wraith idea. So i have suggestion (actually 3 options)

1) Just remove an option for PvP when there is level diff <> 3 for example
2) Just remove an option for PvP when you're invisible
3) Just rename the name of Wraith to COWARD

As long as its not changed I will keep using name 'coward' for any wraiths attacking me and I am not going to fight - let them kill me with no fight. So these cowards will never say that they win in fight.
As of recdently there needs to be some sort of limit on Bone Crushing and wraithing. People who can afford it keep on attacking the same person right after a mob battle or wait untill someone os weak and constakntly attack them. There should be some sort of time period or how offten you can wraith or bone crush a day.
it is just one think thing i dont understnad..

how can i not see someone when standing right in front of me and killing me?
i cannot even see the things name not even its life or mana..
that that thing should not be seeing mine either...

and it is a nasty thing overall, just think what can u attack that is "not allowed" at some place....
Meh. Get crushed by a guy 7 levels higher (immediately after a PvE battle when health etc is low of course), cursed ... don't play for 3 hours.

Hang on ... is that what you Devs really want? Because that's what is happening in-game. Up to you guys really. I know I go elsewhere after getting thumped by a brave level 34 when my health is at 300. I imagine lower levels just quit.

Silliest part of the game guys, really is.
And we all don't appreciate the extra opportunity to repair our mangled armor. I stay away from AofH, as I really dislike having my armor destroyed. Losing is bound to happen in tournaments, there's no way around it.

Losing is bound to happen from time to time in regular enemy battles, too. Personally, I'm perfectly fine with that off-chance of getting crit. hit 6 to 50 times in a row and dieing/breaking equipment.
BC and Wraith use in AOH , & 7 bridges should be outlawed.. After all we all know its only one Clan that is doing it anyway and they are too gutless to fight with out them, because I assume ,they don't wish to show just how pathetic they really are at playing the game.

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