New Class Weapons and Role Diversity

What I'm suggesting is to add a bigger variety of weapons for each class. I think adding different weapons like a spear for a Pali (more damage as 2 handed, etc.) would make it a lot more interesting and add more diversity in each role. Would be nice to see more than 2-3 weapons available for each class. I like the idea of adding 2 handed weapons for Pal (enhance damage), maybe a small buckler for Wit and could do a dual wield for Ber (better defense). You could take it one step further and have sub class for each class, where it would enhance certain attributes, unlock a certain weapon type and maybe boost a few different magic types. So basically, the same way you equip an amulet to change class, you would change sub class by equipping certain weapons.

Example (Paladin):

Role 1
Name: Shield Warrior
Weapon Type: 1 hand (sword, mace, etc.) and shield
Bonus: absorb damage and healing effects

Role 2
Name: Honor Guard
Weapon Type: 2 hand (spear, trident, etc.)
Bonus: block, higher damage

These were my thoughts, I think adding different paths for each class would really change things up, please post any further suggestions as I'm interested in hearing what people think. I just find that there aren't too many options for weapons and that the game could use a little more variety.

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