Personal Rewards for Confrontation Rating
• League I - levels 4-15;
• League II - levels 16-21;
• League III - levels 22-35;
• League IV - levels 36-50;
• League V - levels 51-70.
Beside that, warriors of higher levels will now receive more Confrontation points, as their battles last much longer than those of less experienced players. But the most important change is that personal Arks of Confrontation are now awarded to players who finish in the top 3 one of the Leagues.
All prize Arks contain Reals. In addition to that, the player who places 3rd will find an Aura of Lethality and a Casket of Merit in his Ark; the players who wins the 2nd place gets two Auras of Lethality, a Casket of Merit, and a randomly selected Reputation Star of Bonecrusher, Hero of the Empire, Conqueror of Seven Bridges, or Protector.
The top ranking player gets the biggest Ark with three Auras of Lethality, two Reputation Stars, 3 "orange" Dragon Masks (one for each type of Magic for your Dragon's current Class and level) and a Casket of Retribution.
All prize Arks also contain Reals.
As mentioned in description of Weekly rating it will reset every Monday to Tuesday night ;)
such sexy.
so wow
still not reset, is this a bug, as pointless otherwise, because same top players will only get stronger, making it harder for rest of us