The roots of this tradition go so deep in history that no one really knows how it started. Historians and scholars offer many versions: an epidemic of bizarre frenzy, terrible famine that forced people fight for food, or even a ritual practiced by savage cults of the past. Whatever the origin of this Event, thins are going to get intense very soon!
Follow the instructions you receive in Master Davian's "Day of Ruthless Fury" Quest and use Bonecrusher Spheres while fighting in the Arena of Honor, Seven Bridges of Shadan, and Sea Battles. If you deal the required amount of damage to the enemies, Davian will reward you with the Casket of Furious Destroyer. Slay 15 enemies to receive the Casket of Ruthless Destroyer. Open the Сaskets to collect various Consumables, and - if you're lucky - an item of great value. There is no limit to the number of times you can take the "Day of Ruthless Fury" Quest during this Event.
On the Day of Ruthless Fury, you can't curse enemies with Bonecrusher Spheres in the Arena of Honor, Seven Bridges of Shadan, or Sea Battles, but you have an increased chance to earn Bonecrusher Reputation when you use the Spheres. You also have a higher than usual chance of obtaining the special transferable Bonecrusher Casket!
The Day of Ruthless Furystarts on March 14th19:00 Server Time and ends on March 15th19:00 Server Time.
Players of level 6 and higher are allowed to participate in this Event.
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